Encyclopedia of niime

2024 . 01 . 20




玉木「「やればできるんだぞッ!!あなたたちはスゴイことをやってるんだーッ!!」って。「凹んじゃ駄目ーッ!!」って。無茶元気もらって。「tamaki niimeはやれる。全世界に絶対行ける!!」って背中を押してもらって帰って来たの。」



酒井「今でもマーケティングの上で色んな情報取って来て見てはいますけど、僕がスゲェ! ヤバっ!て思うもん、ないスもん。今、世の中の流れが見てとれちゃうから、全然オモロナイんスよ。あ、世の中こうゆう風に回ってるんや、くらいにしか思わなくて。その上でウチってどうゆう風な、それこそパンクじゃないけど、どうやって尖ろうか?ってなことは思うけど。」




2024 . 01 . 01










2023 . 12 . 31




玉木「私が問題だなって思ってるのは...それが国民病みたいになってて、表現ができない。人の目を気にして、自己表現をしたことがないのよ。コロナ禍のせいもあって、マスク慣れしてる子たちって顔が笑ってないねん。心の中と身体が、一致してないの!癖になっちゃってる。無表情が。」 酒井「情熱の伝え方を色々とやって来ましたけど、やっぱり直接話して、自分の想いをダーンッ!て伝えるのが一番イイっすね。だから来年に向けての抱負は、玉木とともにスタッフたちと、ちゃんとコミュニケーションが取れる人数でメシとか行きたいなと。もっと腹割って話したいなと思うんスよ。」 玉木「リーダーたちが、きちんと寄り添って話をして一緒に進んでゆくって方法を取りたいって言って来たから、やってみなさい、ってことでやってたんだけど、それじゃ走れないってことがわかったって。言い方が優しすぎると、モチベーションは上がるけど、ようしやるぞォ〜ッ!!ってパッションには繋がらない。わかった、どうしようか考えていこうかと。やっと気づいてくれたかと思って。」 酒井「コロナ禍を境にグローバリズムは終わったという人もいるし、AIに支配されるという人もいるけど、今は“戦国時代”だと思った方がいいと僕は思います。かつてその時代は躊躇したら一瞬で切り捨てられるし、武将以下、ものすごい緊張感の中に皆んないたわけでしょう?今の時代、なんもしなくったって傷も負わないし。」 酒井「先日、ある研究者の方がウチに来た時にお話ししたんですけど、ハッキングする、それに対処するのイタチごっこでデジタル社会の構築が推し進められて来たけど、もうその時代は終わった、って僕は言ったんですよ。そんなんじゃなくて、今は“ネイチャー・ハック”って僕は呼んでるんですけど。何も難しいことじゃなくて、自然とつながる、という意味でのハック。」 玉木「ナチュラルにつながるという意味?あれだ。ピーッ!って。超能力だ。」

2023 . 12 . 04

niime温故知新 茶谷堯典の巻


「けっこうオールラウンドに動いてて。“縛り”があるより、自由に動けるような環境じゃないと、窮屈でしゃあない。檻に入れられるとイヤなんですよ。自由に動ける。そんな場所をここは提供してくれるから。信頼されてると感じますね。ただ玉木と酒井からの依頼は常に最優先事項なんで、もう他に何をしていようが、最速でこなす。そこは昔も今も変わらないですね。」 「いっぱい勉強させてもらってますけどね。よく人を観てるから。あの二人の観察力ってすごいじゃないですか。近づかないと、と思いながら毎日やってますけど、なかなか。真似することは出来ても、近づくことは出来ないですね。」 「二人をもっともっとサポートしてゆくような人間にならなあかんな、と。会社の組織のこととか、下の人間が考えて構築していかんと。もう今のこの規模感で、スタッフ一人一人に二人が対応してたら、止まっちゃうじゃないですか、成長のスピードが。そんなもったいない時間を使わせるわけにいかないなと思って。」 「tamaki niimeへの愛は深いです。感謝があるからこそ愛がある。僕はそう思っているんです。tamaki niimeが理想的なカタチになるように、最速でそうなるように、何かしらちょっとでも役に立ちたい。それしかないですね。」

2023 . 11 . 05

niime温故知新 茶谷堯典の巻


「なにかアパレルの世界のことをやっているというのは側で観ててわかってたんですけど、まぁ、“変わってる”なと(笑)。ここに入って色々と機械のことを調べて、他の機屋さんとのお付き合いもするようになるし、そうなるとやっぱり、オカシイことしてんな、と(笑)。そこで初めてなるほどな、って腑に落ちました。あの二人やっぱり、ブッ飛んでるじゃないですか?」 「そもそもブッ飛んでるけど、要所要所ポイントはしっかりと掴んでいるというか。間違いないな、と。対応速度も含めて、何もかも恐ろしくスピードが速いから、うん。いいなぁ〜って。」 「ベルト式力織機は超アナログですから。クセをつかめば、何となく感覚はわかってきますけど、ボタン押したら即回るというタイプじゃなくて、補佐して一緒になって動かしてあげんとあかんから、あの子は。特に始動の時とか。人の寝起きが重たいのと同じで。ほんと人間的なんですよ。」 「昔のLabは無茶苦茶底冷えして。経糸が頻繁に切れた時があって、今となっては大したことない数ですけど、その頃は無茶苦茶手も遅いし、100本くらい切れたらエッ…?って呆然となってたんですよね。でも自分がやらんと誰も助けてくれないし、やらな前へ進まへんかったから。それを玉木に向かって切れてる糸を結んでください、っておかしいじゃないですか?自分がやるしかない。…当時の状況って経験してないとわからないけど、今のLabの設備の充実はありがたいことなんやで、って、ここからスタートしたスタッフにはそうゆう時代があったんだよっていうのをね、知っておいてほしいなって思いますね。」

2023 . 09 . 30

niime温故知新 阿江美世子さんの巻


「半年の間、スロヴェニアでどうやって生きていけるかを試しに行ったんです。それが急にコロナ禍になって、大使館の方から、もう数日したら国際線が飛ばなくなりますと連絡があって。こんなタイミングで帰りたくない!そう思って、滞在します!と(笑)。なので、向こうでロックダウンを経験してきました。」 「酒井さんのお母さまの初子さんがお亡くなりになったのが昨年末で、その3ヶ月後に祖父の死があって。生きてるってやっぱり素晴らしいことで、そのことが当たり前になっていたんだなって。どうしても自分で個人事業主として立とうと。よしッ!っと思った数日後に玉木さんからお仕事の依頼のお電話をいただいて。もう一言。はい、やらせていただきます!とお返事しました。」 「すべてはつながっていて。バカ正直に生きて来たことで、よかったなぁと。でもできるなら、皆んなが和をつくって手をつなげれば。全く考え方の異なる人たちであっても、皆んなで“万物”だから。生きている間は「和」というところを、私は追求していきたいです。」

2023 . 08 . 07

niime “Discovering new things by taking lessons from the past”

"The pop-up store experience in NY for the first time made me change my way of thinking. When people ask for products or orders, I have learned not to just respond passively, but need to try to offer more. I got that point of view from that experience." "Even though the products are great, there are many products that never reach customers. Whether the products can go on the market or not depends on if the products have connections with people, or chances of selling. I feel it makes a big difference. With respect to the staff of creating products, I surely talk to them about products, but the thing I am asked for is, I feel, what kind of person I am." "The brand of 'tamaki niime' is in the company; however, how it spreads, or how the customers enjoy the products, depends on each staff member and me to think and practice our ways. If not, there's no development. That's what I became aware of."

2023 . 06 . 22

Three internship students talk about tamaki niime.

Ikumi: “I had an image that this company is very much like an apparel company. It was completely different in many areas. I butchered a deer. They asked me casually, "Don't you want to try it?" I probably wouldn't have had a chance to do it elsewhere, so I did it. I butchered a deer. They asked me casually, "Don't you want to try it?" I didn't think I would work on the farm, either.” Haru: “I have been making clothes. I usually get wool or chemical fabrics when I want soft fabrics; however, the staff here use only cotton fabrics with their technology. They could get the desired colours because they dyed with their hands. They are confident of knowing how to get them.” Ikumi: “I had a chance to dye with a simple method of uneven dyeing here. It was fun. They told me I could think of different ways of dyeing, making, and selling the products. They provide us with such neat things.” Chika: “Watching them persuaded us. I could deeply understand many things. I had an experience selecting the colour threads while making a cloth. I was so excited. (laugh) They were different every time from what I imagined. I finally knew how it should be after I weaved with my hands.”

2023 . 05 . 21

The niime report: a sneak peek report about Nakahata Dormitory

“I want this place to be where we can chat while eating when guests and staff visit.” Going back to the kitchen, Ishizuka can take over chatting. In the homey atmosphere, people would have comfortable conversations. "Even during regular creation meetings, you can feel relaxed in this place. We could have more personal conversations here to get more connected. Mutsumi: That's right, such as our love stories. (laugh) "Chatting openly improves our relationships, and we can exchange our thoughts without hesitation. That's why we are trying to make a place for people. I hope everyone takes advantage of this place." In a good way, they don't make rules or established styles. They have only minimum guidelines; other than that, they decide what to do each time on a case-by-case basis. Such an important way of the Nakahata dormitory looks the same as the underlying idea of the 'tamaki niime' brand. Along with the 'niime mura' concept, they embodied it in their 'Living' perspective, which is flexible community life. It looks like Nakahata dormitory shows the reality of it. "Just like the Japanese saying, 'Eat rice from the same pot'. It's essential to eat and sleep together!"

2023 . 01 . 18

A New Beginning 2023 New year ‘shooting the breeze’ — The Secret of Airheads!

Tamaki: In immersion in the virtual world, you don't have much chance to stimulate your five senses. Increasing the number of animals this year; I hope more staff stimulate their senses. Sakai: You need to realise that you are an animal without caring about other people. It doesn’t matter if it's a failure, but it matters if you could try it with all your might. Tamaki: Once I decided to take it this way, I worked on the details the next day. That must've been the secret of our business for the two of us. You can take the chance; you need the instinct of animals or wolves. Sakai: We are 'spoiled'. In that sense, we are originally 'airheads', so recognising that is important. Knowing we are 'airheads', we can try here and there. We can't do it if we don't know what we are. Tamaki: I challenge new things because I want to stay an airhead. It's fun to get to know new things. We want to focus on learning from our experiences. Tamaki: Creating things means creating people. Interestingly, we get the best creations where there are difficulties. See, our concept of 'one item production' means 'each difference, each great.’ Sakai: We are not a 'fashion brand'. We are a 'nature brand'. What we express is all about nature.

2023 . 01 . 01

Sakai: Doing your best in life equals working hard for something, right? If you try to do your best, your energy goes to anything you engage in. Basically, you should focus on doing your best. Tamaki: Last year, Shin and Jiji came. That was a big thing. Because I have a greater desire to seek life with animals. Our experiment was to see how we make changes by living with animals. Tamaki: We actually tried but failed. Frustrating ourselves, we will keep challenging ourselves. We tried to create a fun group last year without being afraid of making mistakes. So how could we relieve their tension? Sakai: Leaving your footprints means someone later notices them and wonders what they are. They can find 'footprints', and I hope they improve them. That would be succession.

2022 . 12 . 31

The Years End and a New Beginning in 2022-2023

Tamaki: Well, "tabe room" is the central place where everyone gathers. We still have it here because Hatsuko had been working to keep it. It was kept with "delicious meals", which is one of the most important things. So it was essential of ‘tamaki niime’.
Sakai: When people die, the value of their existence is dramatically altered. We become aware of their worth and appreciate them. We can never experience it again and have her cook for us. They become mythical tastes. Well, she was a genius cook. Absolutely she was! Tamaki: Everyone had a role and sent her off. Even though we are sad, we feel very warm because we all sent her off together. Sakai: We really appreciate her, and thanks for her hard work. That's everything we want to say to her.

2022 . 11 . 07

Maku Team discusses their Vision: The cycles of Farming Life. 

Yanagi: As the materials for making products, many animal fibres, such as cashmere and mohair, are used. We want to keep cashmere goats, angora goats, alpacas…and black sheep. So a total of 24 animals are coming here.
Fukumori: With ‘Kinchan’s soil method’, I used weeds, rice husks, and bamboo chips, which are all natural materials. Making good soil can be done with organic items around you. It is very reasonable. Since Japan depends on other countries for many things, we should try to make them ourselves. I found it interesting for this fact this year.
Kobata: The farming area of Hokkaido is way different from other districts. It was a standard way using chemical fertilisers. I basically worked just seasons. They needed me for harvesting and selecting, but didn’t work growing vegetables. I came here because I could work starting from cultivation.
Yanagi: In the future, we may have cows and horses. We hope to make multiple gardens for fruit cultivation, beekeeping, or other products. I hope we can create such a place even only in one spot where people and animals work together. I want to work for education, and it would be wonderful if I could create a place for the people who spend their last time of life, such as a life cycling spot in Nishiwaki.

2022 . 10 . 09

Maku Team discusses their Vision: The cycles of Farming Life. <part 1>

Yanagi: Is this way of agriculture what 'tamaki niime' can offer, which is the original way of agriculture? It is not farming for industry, but work for living created by people. It can connect with various people. We want to weigh that concept in: Here is niime village.
Fukumori: Their children only meet each other when planting, but they become terrific friends. They have so much fun. Until last year, we used a combine-harvester mainly and partially cut by hand and with hand push machines and dried them in the Sun. But this year, we want to do it with hands and manual binders like the old ways. We have incredible scenery, too. Cutting and drying can be beautiful pictures.
Kobata: I was trying to understand why an apparel company needed me to work on the farm. After coming here, I found out they keep goats. Recently I got my hunting license. They are doing things over my imagination. I was thinking of having a normal lifestyle, so I have never imagined myself aving such a life every day.
Yanagi: The subtitle of Big Little Farm says 'the way of your ideal lifestyle'. The way I want to have in my life is I live in the natural environment receiving its blessings and giving back to nature; that's how I wish to live in the beautiful cycle.

2022 . 06 . 30

Online outbound team discussion: Wa and Toru

〈 part 2 〉

Motooka: 'tamaki niime' express naturally, but some parts are represented aggressively, which may be closer to what I want for the brand. We consider the customers who receive them, so we try to make comfortably expressed products and easy to understand. Since the company allows me to challenge many things, if there are things I want to try, I want to do them without complaining or without selecting a genre.
Hashimoto: I am in my 30s and work as a central force in the company. I am going to be 36 this year. Our direction is reflected in young staff who watch such middle-aged older staff cackling at 'tamaki niime'. They think it would be great to work while laughing. What it means is ‘every day you enjoy all,’ right? No matter how old we are, I want to show them how much fun we are having.
Kubo: Making people see us as a manufacturing company, I want to create things. In the future, our company will develop to explain more 'life style' and 'living' just like 'niime village'. I hope to deliver information in real-time about what it's going to be. Through media, I hope to tell customers that they can be a closer cooperative community.

2022 . 06 . 08

Online outbound team discussion: Wa and Toru

〈 part 1 〉

Motooka: We opened the online shop on February 2, 2020, when COVID hadn't yet been discovered in Japan, but at the end of February, the situation became so urgent that we decided to sell masks. I remember we had already made Tamask in February.
Hashimoto: I think we were given an opportunity that we had customers who knew masks, and they started to like our shop and buy other products besides masks. Motooka: Because of the Online Shop, everyone was able to know them now and using that system to learn all the details of what kind of products are sold even at the physical stores. That was great.
Kubo: I did it alone for about half a year after starting the LINE delivery. We use LINE as a delivery media. I had been thinking of making a brand video before that. Mr Fujimoto wrote down the story I thought of, and I made a video along it.

2022 . 05 . 02

“tamaki niime shima” has launched! Asking Tamaki and Sakai about their thoughts.

〈 part 2 〉

Tamaki: It is more like an intersection, not a hangout spot. You might run into someone you know that could surprise and pique your interest. I am happy if that place gives you a chance to start interaction. If we could estimate economic effects with this intersection, we would find out if there's meaning to having Shima.
Sakai: If we try to get overall economic impacts in this region, it would not be easy to make to get good results if we don't break down the walls between each industry. Even though everyone wanted to connect, each one couldn't start working toward it. But this time, it looks like we have a chance to connect in a good way. It's the place to get along with everyone.
Tamaki: We would have good interactions among the people who make various things in this region. Constant interaction is essential. We don't have to do it every day. Even sometimes, it is good to have a place to meet with someone somewhere. Having Shima offers you just an opportunity, and running a business is up to our staff and everyone. So I am happy if you all think and work to make it better.

2022 . 03 . 30

“tamaki niime shima” has launched! Asking Tamaki and Sakai about their thoughts.

Sakai: We choose white not to copy someone else, but white is the best colour to go with various products we have now. Without mixing up, each one could appeal to each existence. That is why I think we chose white, but we just felt that choosing white was the best.
Tamaki: I just gave them an idea that I wanted to have artwork on the wall outside. I shared some guidelines and thoughts, and Mr Kubo did the design that completed the concept. It's imperative to keep beauty overall, or you feel comfortable being there.
Sakai: Tamaki and I had been deciding most things, and the staff worked with our directions so far in the past. However, as Tamaki mentioned in the case of 'Shima', we gave them ideas, and everyone created together.
Tamaki: It is unsettled to see the progress because there are many elements to happen, but I think all the works for processes are more important than works aiming for a perfect goal for opening. That's why everyone got involved in doing it. 'Zero-one' experiences need a lot of energy for concentration, but they give us a sense of accomplishment and motivation. That's why we want our staff to have those experiences to improve them.

2022 . 01 . 15

Project leaders, Masanao Yamashita and Mio Fujita

speak on 2022 and their New Year declaration.

Yamashita: If we could give customers our happiness and strength, they would become happy. That’s the essential point. So I hope that all staff of 'tamaki niime' will genuinely enjoy the works that we are doing now.
Mio: The words I hear most from our customers are joyful when they wear 'tamaki niime' outfits. In sad times, they could cheer themselves up by wearing tamaki's clothing. I knew that we could help them cheer up better by wearing 'tamaki niime' items for a whole year.
Yamashita: If we look again at the environment of what we have and what we sell, we will make it real to accomplish our goal 'We Enjoy Everything Everyday.' for making customers and ourselves happy. I want to consider it to make the most use of our environment.
Mio: In having meetings with the people of 'TenTen' partners, each store has its way of nicely introducing 'tamaki niime'. We want our manufacturing staff to get involved with the staff of those stores. If we could get more involved with the partner stores and customers, 2022 would be an enjoyable year.

2022 . 01 . 01

niime: A Year End and A New Beginning 2021-2022

〈 A New Beginning Version 〉

Tamaki: I definitely think the newborn 'tamaki niime Shima' is the key in 2022. I visualize connecting with unconnected points we had to work with 'Shima' in the centre. It functions as the entrance of 'niime village'. We want to promote the growth of Nishiwaki. I hope we can send our messages from there to the people who don't know us yet.
Tamaki: Since last June, we worked on internal branding, digging down into the meaning of the words: "mission" and "vision", and we did well on discussing how each team should be. Of course, we still need more time to get into matters, but we made a big difference with our efforts over the last six months.
Tamaki: After all, what changed? It was me. Sakai explained that the leaders could handle everything. So I have to grow up. Instead of forcing to bring up the younger staff, I have to climb up first and pull others up to go forward. Otherwise, we can't go up together.
Tamaki: Mr Fujimoto told me he wanted to apply for the ‘Good Design Award’. Mr Fujimoto and Mr Kubo worked hard to explain our company's charms and get into them. I was so glad that their efforts worked out. The things keep going by themselves without me now. After I had them go ahead with what they wanted to do, the company moved forward.

2021 . 12 . 31

niime: A Year End and A New Beginning 2021-2022

<A Year End Version>

Tamaki: In 2022, I want to connect with Machida and Nishiwaki more. So I want to make a cycle of movement for all the staff that the manufacturing staff start a habit of going to Machida in Tokyo at regular intervals and interacting with customers, feeling the sense of Tokyo and coming back to Nishiwaki to make creations again.
Tamaki: We can help with food supplies! We should have emergency water stocks or many kinds of things. So, selling them through ‘tamazon’ means also storing them. We reserve them and sell them. If we have to keep them as a company, we would like to store good quality ones. To prepare for an emergency, we do it for ourselves and for the people around us.
Tamaki: I am happy our staff's work quality improved in many areas. Learning from various instructors we invited and having experiences planting many kinds of study seeds, I could see our growth as I look back over the year. I am so happy to feel that.
Sakai: When you want to grow and press forward, nothing would get done if you don't reconsider yourself with much appreciation. Reflection and appreciation are essential.

2021 . 12 . 21

Sewing Team member, Naomi Miyazaki, talks about her hyper-sensible creativity.

“We always keep images of what we have seen, touched or experienced from long ago, right? Scarlett O'Hara influenced the flared skirt in Gone with the Wind when I watched it in high school. Watching movies is not just enjoying stories; I enjoy watching the details of surrounding views, props, and colour tones. If they match the main characters, I think such movies are incredible. I can improve my sense of style by watching them. I study what is good.”
“Sewing them is like inserting fabrics inside, not sewing while holding them tight. You have to sew them as natural as possible, not making sharp lines with an iron. It makes some difference depending on some fabrics, though our materials are generally easy to treat. We treat them as naturally as possible. I can say that it's different from folding origami. If I try describing it, each thread is alive, soft and floppy.”
“I just want to see the products I have in my mind and make them. I don't start with drawing designs, but it starts from a piece of cloth. Talking about 'Dachs', I stored some favourite materials for a half year that I thought were useful. I wanted to make exciting pants but I couldn't make them. When I put those materials down on the desk, I was inspired. I was inspired by the shape of the materials that I put down. I thought, what if it might be cute!? I thought I had to help by using this.”

2021 . 11 . 20

Sewing Team member, Katake, explains why she is insatiable for creativity.

“As we use sewing machines regularly, we try to make something pleasing to customers. It's just a simple idea created for customers who may be happy to have them. Our workplace may be a more accessible environment for concepts like "we may be able to make this" or "how about using this cloth?”
“The 'tamaki niime' fabrics are tough to sew. They are too soft. (laugh) They are thin and soft. You can't sew well until you get used to them. Our fabrics have their own unique peculiarities and are totally different from other companies.”
“We spend time sewing shawls or other things, and there's some time to make stitches, which looks like ticking time. The extra time spent becomes the products that go to the customers. And after that, the customers spend time with the product. I feel this is a beautiful job.”
“I have learned it is good to have an opportunity to tell customers that there is meaning in each exciting product. What we are doing every day is not routine, but it's fun. People don't get bored with our products because even though they are designed with the same styles, we make different fabrics every season. The creativity of 'tamaki niime' won't bore you.”

2021 . 10 . 28

Ms Tamaki and Mr Sakai talk about ‘The niime Village Concept’.

Sakai: Rather than focusing on making 'The niime Village Concept', it should be natural as we live with what we like to do daily. That sounds like more of 'tamaki niime'. It is more flexible and free of rules, which would make the excellent niime Village as a result.
Sakai: In nature, things like rivers, without knowing what happens, it ends up running to the ocean, in which many things are nurtured. But we cannot predict that. Our advantage is such unpredictable instability, and I hope it is reflected in The niime Village.
Tamaki: We don't want to have goals. But when we can admit it's sustainable, I think that's our goal. When our staffs' children, the next generation, get jobs in this village. I think our goal would be to see the cycle that people can find ways of new skills here.
Tamaki: The point is not 'what we should do', but it's 'how it should be', which means that we should be sensible about it, and getting aware of it while doing it. You should be aware of your advantages, not being told by someone, but knowing yourselves and making the best of yourselves. I feel that's a more human-like figure.

2021 . 10 . 05

Ms Tamaki Niime talks about ‘The niime Village Concept’.

“In my vision, we rotate things well, and people living there are all happy and excited, and they are in the condition of being sustainable.”
“I am sure there are many people who suffered from being frustrated or regretful. I hope I can encourage them, help their lives be more manageable, make them feel easier at work, or give them the motivation to do something. We are happy to exist for them if they could be cheered up with what we could offer. That's why I am doing it.”
“We have been working by hand rather than just thinking about it for the last 15 years. When we hit on a good idea, we try it first. While doing that, I think about doing more of this, or more of that, and finally, I land on this.”
“I feel I am not getting ideas on my own. Including 'The niime Village Concept', I feel like someone has been giving or showing me ideas during my sleep. May be my ancestors or messengers from this earth. It feels not a kind of individual request but a general request.”

2021 . 09 . 16

Ryuta Fujimoto, in charge of Public Relations, discusses 'tamaki niime's' core belief.

“We sell 'a scrap of cloth' in Machida. Our customers can decide the price. We ended up deciding to allow customers to choose their value themselves. Doing that would make customers take care of it by themselves, which we think is more important. If they don't pay for the given value but rather invest money for the value they provide, I think they would pay attention to use with care for a long time.”
“I have been able to work for Public Relations because I have work experience in weaving. That's true. I have been weaving at 'tamaki niime', which is why I can talk to people and understand what Tamaki says. Weaving is still exceptional for me. I feel happy that I am able to be in the position to tell that to people.”
“I recognize our company as part of the entertainment industry that looks like a manufacturing company. Showing something means entertaining them. In our company, it's not enough to do just what you want to do. The important key is whether customers can enjoy it or not.”
“High school students may become interested in weaving after watching a weaving machine at work, and they may join 'tamaki niime' in the future. I personally think it's best if local children dare to choose to work here.”

2021 . 08 . 16

Ryuta Fujimoto in Public Relations talks about the 'Fabric Store' and TOKYO MACHIDA.

“Although the scale of Banshu-ori is being reduced, young weavers and our young team are working to make this product region more exciting.”
“As we sell fabric, we want to tell people that those fabrics are not just attractive, but they are made by engaging individuals who live in Nishiwaki and Taka. We make Machida as a source for gathering information on Banshu-ori from Hyogo prefecture.”
“Why do we use those deer antlers? Because we want to tell stories of the history of Banshu-ori. I feel that the space of displays or selling fabrics is not only ours, which I believe Ms Tamaki dares to do.”

2021 . 07 . 08

July 9, 2021, 'tamaki niime' Tokyo Machida store opened!

Tamaki: It is a round concrete building without straight lines anywhere inside or outside, even the staircase. You may feel like being in the womb. So you feel instinctively secured and comfortable inside of the round space, but it's so unique because it's happening in the centre of Tokyo. You may not understand it if you don't experience it there.
Tamaki: Even though we fixed a little bit without changing most of the parts, we kept making the best use of them. The main floor is the second basement for item display. The fabric store is on the first basement floor. On the first floor, there will not only be 'tamaki niime shawls', but we will also be starting to have a 'tamazon' corner. It's more like a variety goods shop. It's a platform for various things which we recommend.
Tamaki: In order for 'tamaki niime' to extend its wings, it's definitely better to have a site for people from overseas when they visit Japan, or it's better to have a place for people in the Kanto Eastern Japan area to get to know us better. So I thought it's better to have them come to see us. This is a kind of challenge. I am so excited about it.

2021 . 06 . 24

Mr Yamashita, of the ‘Knit team’, speaks about the potential of 'one item products '.

”I feel special when touching my woven products with my selected threads. At that moment, I am aware that I have never felt such a sense of touch before. So when I discovered that I created new products, I was very excited and wanted to tell everyone.”
”We have own imagination in creation. So we are happy if people understand, enjoy, and come to purchase. Having so many clothes in the world, I think it's possible to enjoy creating clothes or convince people to want them if we express our creativity clearly.”
”I enjoy talking to customers. There is a unique customer service because of one-item products. It's fun to have conversations there. I genuinely enjoy all aspects of this business, such as creativity and customer service.”
“My goal is the passion I had when I started into this industry in my youth. That is where I want to achieve my goal. Towards that goal, I want to challenge many things. I want to send my creations which only 'tamaki niime' can make possible. I want to set up new ways of creativity and send them forward to people worldwide.”

2021 . 05 . 23

Asking Mio Fujita about new possibilities of events 'TenTen'.

“But the more often we held the event; the customers began to choose brighter colours. So I have learned that the districts or places are not related to what they want. Our outfits would be magically loved by everyone everywhere.”
“People can be happy only by wearing them. So why don't we wear the clothes that make us happy if we have to choose something to put on? I think that's interesting, and I am so happy if we provide them with the opportunity to feel that way.”
“This is tamaki niime’s new way of expressing ourselves to the people. We want to have events for people who are not interested become interested in us.”
“We would search the spots at non-commercial local facilities, different from traditional shopping places in the future. We are glad to have the messages of suggested sites from the people reading this blog if they know any good places.”

2021 . 04 . 20

The interview with Ms Iwamoto, a member of the 'Dye team' about this year.

“'Botamask' is the first announced product that uses a botanical dye-post-dyeing method in 'dye play'. The team discussed using plant material dyes because the masks cover the mouth.”
“We do the works which only our company can do. That's the meaningful advantage that we can work with dyes at ‘tamaki niime’. We have to have some room to work with dyes because the products go through each team until they are finished.”
“Definitely, our goal is to make products that excites customers. With that in mind, we are encouraged to work with dyes if the other teams have good experiences creating cool or exciting products.”

2021 . 04 . 03

Mr Sakai’s Branding Strategy

〈 part 2 〉

Tamaki: Since I want to make the-only-creation, I want to go the way of that kind of sales and branding.
Sakai: We can be more active. Running a business would be more interesting if we work directly and instinctively with our inspirations and let our logical thoughts follow later. I believe we can be more vigorous.
Sakai: They wonder who Sakai is. You don't have to say who he is. He is one of the necessary elements in the 'tamaki niime' brand, which helps Ms Tamaki work. She is a symbol in the company. On the other hand, I stay mysterious, a counterpoint to Tamaki, who would become a mystery in everyone's heads. If you want me to talk about branding, my policy is not to be 'understood'.

2021 . 03 . 15

Mr Sakai's Branding Strategy

〈 part 1 〉

“I always try not to accomplish it. I believe in the phrase 'Doubt the obvious'. I have kept my faith in 'the completion of unfinished'.”
“I feel romantic with unfinished branding, and if there is an ultimate accomplishment in branding, we don't need branding. It should be endless.”
“If I am allowed to say, my belief of branding or makers is losing their value when others understand them.”
“People feel attracted to the mysterious parts because they feel some something deep inside. I feel thrilled if people think they are challenging to understand because there are various aspects within us. That's probably what 'tamaki niime' is, and Tamaki and I want to be like that.”

2021 . 03 . 02

We announce niime's fabric store!

〈 part 2 〉

Tamaki: I remember the old days of fabric making with Mr Nishikaku. We kept making fabrics in conversations with artisans. I have been thinking about how our staff could meet with them and learn from them. It would be an excellent idea for both of us to open a 'fabric store' and mingle together.
Sakai: I wish to have a real free platform of B (Business) to C (Customers) market distribution, not only connection of B to B. Our business is basically on B to C distribution, and we hope to have newer links of B to B.
Tamaki: After all, I wish I could be a centre point to provide a place to answer their needs for those who want to do something, to make something, but don't have the know-how. If there is such a place to get help, they would absolutely challenge and step into what they want to do without suffering by themselves or giving up because of not knowing how.
Sakai: I want to have various people and cultures mingle. Without suggesting anything to them. I desire to have a place for those who could freely interact with each other and make a place by themselves.

2021 . 02 . 15

We announce niime's 'fabric store'!

〈 part 1 〉

Tamaki: tamaki niime was asked to sell fabrics. Artisans or anyone who wants to buy would gather and discuss, making it possible to make fabric development suggestions. They will develop to flow ‘B to B.’ Just like what Mr Nishikaku and I did. Students can get ideas, and craftsmen create what students asked for. I hope they learn about fabrics while still students, and I hope they expand to create exciting ideas.
Sakai: It would be good for the city of Nishiwaki. I hope they study here and meet various people outside, and I wish they come back to work here. It's good to see the world at least once. There are many amazing people in Japan. It's important to know there are people with unique senses.

2021 . 02 . 01

2021 'New Film Crew' has launched!

〈part 2〉

Ohama: The main difference is we can personalize the messages. I think our goal is that our messages are unified, but each one makes sense in developing from different angles. That’s our 'New Film Crew.'
Fujimoto: I am here to help make the introductions and connections from previous contacts, and use my previous public relations experience. I think they are the advantages I could share in my work here.
Ueda: I think our comments may sound amusing to the readers. We are enjoying our work, and we are happy if people can look forward to our next stage of development. I am sure it will be fun. (laugh)
Inagaki: I can't see it, yet. We will look forward to or enjoy what we may have. I may feel disappointed if I expect too much, but I want to enjoy working and going forward.
Kubo: If they are routines, they are not live. Weavers, knitters, and videographers are doing different works but doing 'the same thing'.

2021 . 01 . 15

2021 'New Film Crew' has launched!

〈part 1〉

Fujimoto: As I have public relations experience. I want to introduce the people we have been working with and bring the things into this team to suggest plans.
Ohama: As one of my roles in the “Wa team”, I worked on making ties with staff, which was probably the beginning of making outside connections. Now I hope it will make one of the massive connections.
Ueda: Expressing with my characters, I was hoping to report with a natural excitement for the customers.
Inagaki: What I should select for the videos. I thought it would be exciting if just a small thing became a big hit.
Mutsumi: We each have roles. To sum up opinions, share them with staff, and check up the progress to keep working productively.
Kubo: Just like blinking eyes, we want to view videos through their eyes. There, we could finally reveal 'tamaki niime's' lively creations.

2020 . 12 . 16

niime: The Years End and a New Beginning

〈a year end version〉

Tamaki: After a year, each individual's character strengthened the teams and created the online store. After thinking through how they could improve them, they brought tremendous results. I think that's what brought us together.
Sakai: Coronavirus is just one of the triggers which we will have in the future. I don't think we could slow down the speed of such changes. As the digitalized world speeds up, we seem to live with it, but we actually go backward to prefer more old-fashioned ways and focus on making such choices. Keeping animals or creating 'niime village' are such examples.

2020 . 12 . 01

"Connection team" x "Operation team", a stand-alone team discussion!

Mutsumi: What we are doing is not really like selling things. I wanted to have charming people who were like "tamaki niime" and introduce our products to the customers, not just to sell them.
M. Fujita: I feel like connecting with people through our products. We have been making efforts to have many events in the past, we may have to put more effort into creating rich contents at each event. I am trying hard on that now.
M. Fujita: Basically, when I find tasks I have to do, I try to enjoy myself and dig deeper into the work. I had to think on my feet much faster than any other company. I would have had a difficult time if I couldn't decide and work on my own.
Mutsumi: It is essential to do the tasks that you are asked for, additionally …if you want to do something you or any teams haven't done, but you want to try it, they would ask you to challenge it anyway.

2020 . 11 . 15

"Minoru team", where tamaki niime's energy is created.

〈part 2〉

Fukumori: For me, it is not just providing meals; it is more like offering entertainment. I want them to feel happy or be excited by enjoying different types of vegetables, which is my motivation to make vegetables.
Nasu: We had many problems to overcome, but we hope we could get 1 ton of harvest for the next year. Our rice is such a treat for you. Because it is made through natural cultivation.
Ooishi: We have been closing the cafeteria, but we want to get ready for the day we reopen. We want to try new things for not making them disappointed, and I need to study more.
Kamiyashiki: If they ever use wild game meat for cooking, I would like to have the opportunity. ( laugh ) The boss gave me a book about wild game. I am studying it now.
Hatsuko: Home dishes make you feel so good and comfortable. So, that's my only wish and purpose for cooking. That's why I have been enjoying cooking, and I wish to be their comfort.

2020 . 11 . 01

"Minoru team"; where tamaki niime's energy begins.

〈 part 1 〉

Nasu: The one we are cultivating is one of the Western kinds of cotton, very close to the purest white Egyptian cotton. We have been giving out cotton seeds at various events. The cotton fields are not only here. We have other sites that we ask some customers to grow, too.
Fukumori: This year, many people are voluntarily self-quarantining or staying home, and there are many requests from people to share the seeds. So we ask them to help our "sakumen", making cotton. They have been increasing.
Oishi: As I started working earlier, I have made menus. Seeing the vegetables received, I am allowed to decide the menu for the day. I hope I can cook them without wasting as little as possible.
Kamiyashiki: I had been studying cooking abroad in France until March. I also studied fashion before that. I hope I can work for both professions in the future. I found the perfect place.

2020 . 10 . 15

"Shop team"; delivering great works and creating close relationships with the customers.

〈part 2〉

Matsumoto: They came to know us by "Tamask" and saw the outfits. I think we are increasing in customers who start understanding essential items and have become regulars during the pandemic.
Tanaka: Many suggest enjoyable ideas to us. Most of the people usually like non-provocative fashion, but many of our customers do like bright colours or interesting shapes, or denim with originality. I guess they refine their tastes by adding up all their experiences from the past.
Fujita: They come not only for shopping but for consultation as well. Even the shy customers gradually open their hearts.
Kageyama: There must have been some "tamaki magic" at the event I attended. (laugh) Some told me to come to Nishiwaki, and they actually became regular customers here.

2020 . 10 . 01

“Shop team”; delivering great works and creating close relationships with the customers.


Matsumoto: I saw the ads of the boss hanging the shawls in the sun. That got my attention and made me want to work here. It was so pretty that the colours, the wind, the light and the sky are all unified.
Tanaka: I was working at the department store before that. For the first time, I had a chance to touch shawls made from the cotton. I was so impressed with their softness, which was completely different from other brands that I had experienced at many exhibitions.
Kageyama: I didn’t I have much experiences with customers, but I had fun working and was happy to watch customers who are satisfied with shopping. I have so much fun.
Fujita: Isn't there only-one-item for each customer? That’s why we match one item with one can never experience that anywhere else, and you can never repeat it.

2020 . 09 . 15

Mr Fujimoto × Ms Ishizuka discuss the new ‘tamaki niime’

〈part 2〉

Fujimoto: We produced them rapidly because we had experienced making "tamask". This helped us understand how to work effectively as a team. We demand a more rapid response for items that we have to create now. Not working individually, we connect and blend together to make it work. That's how the company tries to make it work.
Ishizuka: The things we did in the past are not 100% the best. We work on them using past experiences and current methods that we use now. We blend them together. Working with other staff, we could see them at different angles, which I couldn't see two years ago. I often find myself feeling great about better results in most cases.

2020 . 09 . 01

Mr Fujimoto × Ms Ishizuka discuss the new ‘tamaki niime’

〈part 1〉

Fujimoto: "Improving skills" does not mean that we are just being asked for technical skills. The staff are expected to “observe”, seeing the whole of the company objectively. Right now, I feel we are trying to break down the walls between the teams in the company.
Ishizuka: The COVID Pandemic was a trigger to bring us together to move in the same direction, which was making masks. That means that we can blend without teams. Since we have come to this point, we can mix or blend with what we have been setting up so far.

2020 . 08 . 15

A frank and open discussion, the "Sew team."

〈part 3〉

Magome: I want to work on making creations favoured by those a bit younger, which is where we make much of our sales now. "tamask" and "tamafukuroo" sell well to all ages, and that's where I want to target making such creations.
Kawabata: I think we could make people happy with our products, because when you wear it, it affects your mentality. I’d like to create more of them to warm people's hearts.
Miyazaki: Because Ms Tamaki has accomplished what I wanted to do. During the day, I could make what I want to make with the excellent materials here, that's why I feel delighted. (laugh)
Katake: Ms Tamaki likes surprises and creating happiness. I came here because I like her character. I hope we can spread such feelings.

2020 . 07 . 15

A frank and open discussion, the "Sew team."

〈part 1〉

Kawabata: Especially here, they prepare to complete garments from designs up to production. This is the only place we can work through the whole process.
Magome: I would like to work for the production company in the community rather than the leading apparel companies. It is very interesting to see the whole production process, which is very rare to see.
Katake: I wanted a sewing job from the beginning. We can make our own materials and touch them before sewing, which help produce unique and original products. I feel this is the ideal company.
Miyazaki: After I met the boss and talked to her for the first time…I haven’t told anyone…on my way home I knew I had a bizarre, special feeling towards her that she was not like my sister or daughter.

2020 . 07 . 01

The Gentle Flames of our Creative Ambitions the “Knit team”

〈part 2〉

Miyamoto: For the team goal, I would like to have the knit products become one of the leading shares in all "tamaki niime" products.
Nakamura: I hope I could make the best products that I can. Since we can handle the whole production process with WHOLEGARMENT, our team is very flexible in our work. This year, I want to try something new that I have never tried before.
Tu: Later, I want to focus on other daily products that could be favoured by customers, not for fashionable clothes.
Yamashita: I always have ideas in mind that I want for clothing that makes people give a little laugh when they wear them. I want to make people happy who wear what I've designed, which is what I've wanted since I was young. That has never changed.

2020 . 06 . 15

The Gentle Flames of our Creative Ambitions the “Knit team”

〈part 1〉

Nakamura : It motivates me to see actual customers purchasing the products I made. It is an excellent opportunity for me to work where I could hear customers’ positive or negative comments directly.
Miyamoto : The most luxury I have is I am not making given items. I could use my own ideas, including choosing colours and see my products sold, which is impossible in other companies. I really appreciate that. It is not easy because products have to be the Only One item, which means we have to change colours in making another, but I am so happy when I can make good colour combinations, which is fun.
Yamashita : The main issue we have is how we could create unique products, which is different from other companies. We didn’t get approval from Ms Tamaki and worked until 2 or 3 am everyday….

2020 . 06 . 01

"Weaving team" that weaves in six colours


Nakao : Yes, I’m really involved in various jobs. Rather than nurturing people, they just have us do it, more and more. (laugh) What I want to do in the future is get more involved into design.
Murakami : Shawls can be made quickly, but we are making them ourselves, where as normal production takes half a year in production planning, so instead of three months, we can finish in a week. It is easy to move forward. E-commerce is currently growing, so there was an immediate reaction as to the kind of work needed.
Fujimoto : I think that through “weaving” we will be able to increase the number of challenges that we have never created before. Regardless of success or failure.