niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
広報・藤本隆太が語る、tamaki niimeの核心。
Ryuta Fujimoto, in charge of Public Relations, discusses 'tamaki niime's' core belief.
2021 . 09 . 16
前回に引き続き藤本隆太登場。「織り」の現場でtamaki niimeのモノづくりを肌身で感受・体得し、広報の立場から俯瞰の視点でブランドを観る彼がじっくりと語る、tamaki niimeとSDGs、播州織の地場との交わり、そしてブランドの未来へ向けたモノづくりの伝承…etc.
― あ、イシヅカマコトさんの「TOKYO MACHIDA」の動画にもチラッと出てましたね。
― へぇ〜!!
― 想像と創造が広がりますね…。
― そんな、作品的なアプローチも。
― なるほど…。
― はい。
― どんな価値を見つけるか。
― 根本的な疑問ですよね。
― 「はぎれ」がひとつの入り口というか…その向こうに私たちのSDGsへの取り組みであるとか、これからの時代に向けた広がりを持たせようという意図が見えて、素晴らしいと感じます。自分で「はぎれ」に値段をつける、価値をつける。与えられた価格に対して買う・買わないの二択ではなくて。当たり前の消費行動を変えていく可能性も感じますね。
― niime「はぎれ」プロジェクトですね。
― おおっ。
― 綿に戻せるんですか?
藤本「もともとウール産地の技術なんですけど、コットンでも出来るところがあって。糸になったものにtamaki niimeで栽培したコットンを混ぜてサンプルを依頼していて。」
― はい。
― 非常に愉しみですし、広く発信もしたい取り組みですね。では、「生地屋」以外の最近の「織り」チームのモノづくりについてはどうですか?
― 疎遠になってきている?
― そうなんですね。
― サブ的に?
― はい。
― ええ。
― ああ〜…。
藤本「これ、間違いなくそうで、tamaki niimeの「織り」をやってたから、たぶん人に話せることっていうのが…玉木の言ってることも理解できるようになってきて。tamaki niimeって色んなことを手掛けているんですけど、ロゴマークが織機を横から見たデザインになってるじゃないですか?僕の中ではやっぱり、「織り」って、ずっと今も特別なもので。」
机上のデザインを離れ玉木が自ら力織機を操り言葉を交わすように機を織るところから始まったtamaki niime独自のモノづくり。原点でありそのエッセンスが詰まっているのが「織り」の現場といえるだろう。
― なるほど…
― 「織り」をよく知る立場で、ですね。
― う〜ん…。
― スタッフの中での先導役みたいな。tamaki niimeの事業におけるフロンティアにいて、それを噛み砕いて後に続く人たちに受け渡してゆく、というような…。それは玉木社長の哲学だったりを咀嚼しながら自分で実地でこなして若いスタッフに手渡すことでもあり、それによって社内での共有が図れるということでもあるでしょうし…。
藤本「…すごく難しいのは正直なところで、たぶん数をこなさないとわからないところがあって、例えば人に話すことって、何よりも「数」だと思うんですよね。一見、話すことって誰にでも出来そうですけど、僕がこれまでつかんで来たtamaki niimeの本質だったりとか、玉木と対話してきたことで、おそらく社長だったらこう言うだろうなというのは、以前よりは自信を持って話せるようにはなってるんですよ。」
― はい。
― (笑)。
― こうして「niime百科」でtamaki niimeを伝える立場としてよくわかる気がします。先ほどの「織り」がベースにあるという藤本さんの言葉は核心をついているのではと。自ら織ってみる、という、デザイナーであり織り手でもあるというポジショニング、そこから現在のtamaki niimeは出発していると思えるので。そこに播州織の産地にいるという要素も織り重なって。
先染め織物・播州織はかつて確かな技術に支えられた良質な生地の大量生産によって発展・隆盛を誇ったが、「一点モノ」を掲げるtamaki niimeの播州織へのアプローチは真逆といえる。また、高度に分業制のシステムが確立した産地内において自社完結が可能なその業態は、モノづくりの原点回帰を思わせる。
受け身的な「織り」の受注仕事に留まらずにオリジナルの生地開発やデザインに意欲的な産地の若い世代の織物職人たちと、tamaki niimeのモノづくりがシンクロしてゆくのは必然だった。
自分の手で身体で、tamaki niimeの在り方を体得している藤本隆太だからこそ、その深い理解に基づき、広報としてブランドの発信の役割を担うことができるのだろう。
― ええ。
― …確かに、それは言えてると思いますね。
― ワクワクっていう。
― そこのベクトルが合わされば…。
― 取材時によく玉木さんからお聞きすることは、独りよがり・自己満足で終わってはいけない、ということじゃないかと思うんです。私なりの解釈ですけど、自分がやりたいことだけだったら独りよがりに過ぎないモノづくりになるからと、そこは最初徹底して悩まれたのではと思うんです。それがショールというカタチに結実して、それは、tamaki niimeのあり方そのものをカタチにしたものであったと。
この上なく柔らかで瑞々しくカラフルで。玉木が心血を注いで産み出した独創的なtamaki niimeのショール。それはこれまでこの世界に存在しなかったモノであり、輝きを放ち人を惹きつけ、心はずむエンターテイメント性に富んだ作品でもあった。
― お客様に迎合するというのではなく、一歩先んじるようでいてお客様に寄り添う。なんで羊??とビックリ、謎な部分もあったり(笑)。でも深いところでは全部繋がっているという。そういう意味でも、「エンタメ」っていうのは言えてると思います。
― はい。
― 見守りつつ。
― ええ、ええ。
― 自分自身に負荷をかけるというか。死にものぐるいにならざるを得ない状況で自分のクリエーションのチカラが伸びるというか。
藤本「外部の業者さんとの企画案件なども、打ち合わせに来ていただいた時にウチの若いスタッフを紹介するんですね。tamaki niimeは生産の行程を一貫して内部でやっちゃうんで、現場のスタッフにとって外との接点はあえてつくらないとあまりないんですよ。出来るだけ仕事を渡してゆくことで外の人とコミュニケーションが取れて刺激にもなるし、製作方法の発見にもつながる。」
― 刺激でもあり、スキルの蓄積にもなるし、モノづくりの発想や仕事の幅も広がるでしょうね。
― ふむふむ。
― お話を聴くと、tamaki niimeの、自社完結可能なモノづくりの環境・システムの構築がひとまず完成して、改めて外と交わってゆく時期に来てるということなのでしょうね。
― “ノアの箱舟”というか、玉木さんの中で、社内で全部出来る態勢をとっておけばこれからの世の中何が起こっても大丈夫、という想いがあったと思うんですけど、若いスタッフにすれば、これまでの構築の歩みを共にしていないわけですし。会社として改めて外と交わることで新たな化学反応を起こしていこうと。それを象徴している存在が「tamaki niime TOKYO MACHIDA」なのかなと思います。
藤本「ここ何年かで僕なんかよりも若い20代スタッフがどんどん入って来て、モノづくりしたいというモチベーションも高い人たちが増えているので。これまでのtamaki niimeのストーリーを理解しながら、これからやってゆく彼らそれぞれのストーリーが混ざってくれば、もっと面白くなると思うんですよ。ブランドの根底のところを共有して同じ方向を向いて、それをまた次の新しい世代のスタッフに伝えてゆく。モノづくりの仕組みとしてはキッチリと出来上がっているので、人づくりというか伝承というか、新しく入ってきた人たちに会社のことをキチンと伝えてゆく。そういう時期なんじゃないかなと。」
― 伝承のあり方がすごく問われている時代だと思うんです。播州織とは?と試行錯誤しながら若手の機屋さんたちが頑張っておられる姿は尊いですし、そこに希望があると思いますし、今改めて播州織の価値を、地場のこの地域でも再認識し始めている時期ではと思います。「播州織のまち」の再構築、その牽引役を担っているのがtamaki niimeなのではと。モノづくりを通して世の中をより良く変えてゆくアプローチはSDGsにも通じますよね。
― そうですよね。
― 確かに、産地に暮らす経験って、どこの土地でもあることではないですものね。
― なるほどですね。
藤本「あと、昨年末くらいから地元の高校生たちと一緒に授業の一環として生地の開発をやって、ウェアをつくってもらったんですけど、これまで生地を縫うことはやっていても、生地を機械で織ることまではわからなかったのを、僕らのLabで実際に一緒にやって、しっかり取り組めたのは良かったなと思います。これもtamaki niimeとして、地域の方たちとより深く関わってゆく。ビジネスだけじゃなくて、啓発的な活動も出来ればとすごく思っています。」
― 高校生たちにとっては、モノづくりの実践の学びが深く出来たことでしょうね。
― どんどんとつながって。
藤本「織機が動くのを初めて見て関心を持った高校生が、将来もしかしたらtamaki niimeに就職してくれるかもしれない。ウチは兵庫県内の出身者が少なくて僕も含めて移住者の割合が高いんです。それはそれで素晴らしいことだと思うですけど、個人的には、地元の子たちに選んでもらえるのが一番良いと思うんですよね。」
― 西脇には播州織が栄えたことで移住してきた人と地元の人が交わって発展してきた街の歴史がありますから。でも地場の子たちから播州織の人材が育ってゆくって素晴らしいですよね。
― 地元に根を下ろした会社としての在り方の、理想型ではと思います。そして、そのための仕掛けや取り組みを藤本さんがされてゆくということは、すごく意義のあることだと思います。
Ryuta Fujimoto returns from our last interview. He has been feeling and experiencing ‘tamaki niime’ creation firsthand at the ‘weaving’ factory. Seeing the brand from a bird’s eye view from Public Relations, he talks slowly and carefully about ‘tamaki niime’ with SDGs, relationships with Banshu-ori local districts, handing down brand skills and creations for the future.
- Fujimoto
- Speaking of the Fabric Store, we sell ‘a scrap of cloth’ in Machida.
—— Oh, I saw a discussion with Ms Makoto Ishizuka on YouTube: ‘Tokyo MACHIDA’.
- Fujimoto
- Our customers can decide the price of ‘a scrap of cloth’.
—— Wow!!
- Fujimoto
- Basically, we sell it to introduce other things. We want customers to decide the value of that scrap of cloth and price it. It all depends on them. Some people give it 10 yen (10cents), and others pay 1000 yen ($10). A little child makes something with it and buys a piece of fabric with her little allowance. Looking at standard material compared to scrap fabrics, some customers wonder if they can use it as a sheet of spreader, although they don’t know how to sew.
—— Fabric spurs imagination and creativity.
- Fujimoto
- Surely we make ‘Tamask’ and ‘Cloth Tissues’ out of scrap fabrics. Some customers are inspired to do patchwork with ‘a scrap of cloth’.
—— Wow, they are imaginative.
- Fujimoto
- We thought about pricing these scraps of cloth, but instead wanted to donate them. We ended up deciding to allow customers to choose their value themselves. Doing that would make customers take care of it by themselves, which we think is more important. If they don’t pay for the given value but rather invest money for the value they provide, I think they would pay attention to use with care for a long time.
—— I see…
- Fujimoto
- There’s no value, 0 yen for the people who think it is trash. They would throw them away without a second thought. However, some may wonder, “what would I think? I think this is valuable.” Those people may find value in other things, too. Even though the apparel industry is excited to say “this is eco-friendly”, I wonder if such a message hits regular people. It would be a big challenge for people to take it as their own. Not new eco-friendly materials, but can we find value in what we have now?
—— Yes.
- Fujimoto
- What we want to do with these cloth scraps is to let customers experience sustainability and know what they think about it.
—— How do they assign value?
- Fujimoto
- And another matter is to let them know why we have a scrap of cloth.
—— That’s the fundamental question, right?
- Fujimoto
- In the apparel industry, cloth scraps are inevitably produced, but most people wouldn’t know until they see them. If more people had questions about this, they would have more value, and we would know if our efforts were working. So we are looking forward to seeing how both things are going to work.
—— A scrap of cloth may help open one of those doors. Beyond that, I can see our efforts for our SDGs and works for future generation development, which I feel is wonderful. However, they give value by themselves, not giving them a choice to buy or not buy for given prices. So I think there’s a possibility that most consumer actions would change.
- Fujimoto
- I think we live in a world where the experience you decide by yourself is becoming less and less common. This effort is one of the experimental challenges to that.
—— It’s a niime ‘scrap of cloth’ project, right?
- Fujimoto
- That’s one of our ideas for this project. As part of our creation, I think we have responsibility for using this ‘scrap of cloth’ that will be producing more and more in the future. So what we are trying to do now is revert the cloth scraps to threads again.
—— Wow!
- Fujimoto
- We scratch fabrics and flatten cotton paste.
—— Can you revert them to cotton?
- Fujimoto
- This is initially a technology for wool products, but we can apply it to cotton. After flattening the threads, they are blended with our cotton grown at ‘tamaki niime’. We are working to make that sample.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- Making a scrap of cloth reusable as threads again, recycling them and small unused cloth scraps would make that possible. We want to do that. Other than that, in the factory, we can make ‘Cloth Tissues’, ‘Tamask’, and small items, or sell them as is. We will have a lot more things to do. If we could create more items with them, it may be possible for people to realize that they are not worthless. I think they are worth the effort for SDGs and sustainable activities.
—— I am looking forward to seeing how it goes and want to share your accomplishment with the world. Well, besides your Fabric Store, how is the weaving team doing recently?
- Fujimoto
- Well, I am putting some distance from the weaving team.
—— You are distancing from them?
- Fujimoto
- Yes, I am hoping to do so and speaking to the boss about it. I am thinking to let them go it alone.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- Now, Ms Ishizuka and I are still on the team, but she is now on maternity leave. Everyone in the group joined the team after myself. Personally, I want to operate the weaving looms in the factory and help follow their work, but I want to be away from production and machine maintenance. So I have been doing both Public Relations and working on Koshirae-kai while I worked in weaving.
—— You have been working as an auxiliary?
- Fujimoto
- I am wondering which one is my real job. At first, I joined the company because I wanted to weave shawls. Then, I asked to be a weaver and was allowed when there were only three weavers, including myself, were in the factory. It was so much fun. After that there was a time when I was busy; I worked both Public Relations and weaving while I also worked for washing at the same time.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- I started Public Relations and then also started doing Koshirae-kai. At first, I couldn’t decide which one I should put more weight on because they were all significant that I wanted to make an effort towards.
—— I understand.
- Fujimoto
- I have been struggling with myself about what I should do. Probably it’s still true though, why I have been able to work for Public Relations is because I have work experience in weaving.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- That’s true. I have been weaving at ‘tamaki niime’, which is why I can talk to people and understand what Tamaki says. ‘tamaki niime’ has been doing many things, and their logo is designed to look like a loom from the side. Weaving is still exceptional for me.
Being away from the designing at the desk, Tamaki’s unique career has started by weaving with the loom just like talking to the machines. We could say that’s their origin and essence of weaving work.
- Fujimoto
- I feel happy that I am able to be in the position to tell that to people. I know such a skill is exceptional. That’s why I had a passion for mastering the skill to teach everyone as well, but I began feeling it was complicated to do by myself.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- As I think for the future, I think it’s better to get work done with everyone. I keep them away from me so that they feel by themselves and have their responsibilities. I am thinking of doing this that way and discussing with Ms Tamaki and gradually getting out of weaving. Instead, I want to focus on work that relates to outside connections.
—— As standing in a position with knowing to weave.
- Fujimoto
- And also I want to work on planning related matters. Like the Fabric Store, when we start doing something new, I want to be the main person working on it. I think that’s my role. Right now, I am working for Public Relations or making connections; I want to make the path to let others walk more easily right now, I teach the staff how to have interviews and deal with responses, or factory tours, and we will have more people who can do that. So I trust and depend on them and distance from them, and I would find other things to do.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- I always think about that.
—— He appears in his capacity as a leader among the staff. Within the company, he is at the frontier. First, he explains each task plainly. Then, he hands it down to the next in line, who can keep things going continuously. This has him breaking down Ms Tamaki’s philosophy to help apply it to the younger staff work. By doing so, they can share their expected values in the company.
- Fujimoto
- Honestly, it’s tough. Without many experiences, I wouldn’t have understood them. For example, due to the many experiences we have it is easier to speak to people. Generally thinking, speaking seems an easy job that everyone can do. However, I’ve become more confident to speak than before. I have learned what Ms Tamaki would say in situations through understanding the essence of ’tamaki niime’ through conversations with her.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- If Ms Tamaki says I’m wrong, that’s all.
—— (laugh)
- Fujimoto
- If what I say is wrong, all I do is apologize to her. I mean, I am ready to do that. I can do that because I have been doing that.
—— I think I understand him very well because I have been explaining ‘tamaki niime’ in the ‘niime Encyclopedia’. The ‘weaving’ is based on himself, which he mentioned is right to the point. He is the designer and weaver who started weaving by himself. I think that’s where ‘tamaki niime’ started, and he works at Banshu-ori’s birthplace, which overlaps.
Pre-Thread dye weaving cloth, Banshu-ori used to develop as the high-quality fabric, mass production, and popularity supported by incredible technique; however, one-item products originated by ‘tamaki niime’ are opposite to the traditional business method. Moreover, in a production area with a highly established division of labour system, their company can complete all operations by themselves, reminding us of the basics of manufacturing.
They don’t depend on order-taking for weaving which is a passive business method. Still, it was inevitable that ‘tamaki niime’ creation has worked with young generation weavers from product districts, who are passionate about developing fabrics and designs.
Ryuta Fujimoto understands what ‘tamaki niime’ should be with his whole being; that’s why he has been able to take on the role of Public Relations and handle the brand messaging.
- Fujimoto
- Our company exists because ‘Creation is the core’. We are the creators that show people our creations, right?
—— Indeed.
- Fujimoto
- I recognize our company as part of the entertainment industry that looks like a manufacturing company.
—— …I think you can say that again, yes.
- Fujimoto
- Our Lab is glass-walled so that people can see inside, and the production system is designed to create ‘one-item products’ so that people would be curious. Some sheep make young people interested, and I think that’s why young people gather here.
—— They create excitement.
- Fujimoto
- I don’t think this company is the one that I could do whatever I want to do. Showing something means entertaining them. In our company, it’s not enough to do just what you want to do. There are some things that Ms Tamaki intends to do, and the important key is whether customers can enjoy it or not. At the same time, there’s what I want to do.
—— If those vectors are aligned…
- Fujimoto
- While you do what you want to do, you would understand what the company wants. If you and the company could coordinate and work together well, we would do more exciting things. I have been thinking how I could fit my wants and needs together with the company’s. Of course, Ms Tamaki would advise you to get your ego out and prioritize what you want to do first, but we have to consider that.
—— I often heard from Ms Tamaki during her interviews that she shouldn’t end up just being self-satisfied or conceited. This is my interpretation though, if you do only do what you want to do, it would be a just self-satisfied creation. I think she deeply considered it at first. The creativity of shawls is the product of her thoughts, which form the very core of being ‘tamaki niime’.
Very unique ‘tamaki niime’s shawls are created by Ms Tamaki, who put all her heart and soul into them. They are extraordinarily soft, fresh, and colourful. These products didn’t exist before and cast light and attract people. They are entertaining pieces of work to create excitement.
—— Not trying to please customers; it’s about being one step ahead of them and being there for them. Why are there sheep here? There are surprises and mysterious parts. (laugh) However, they are all deeply connected at the end. In that sense, I think the word ‘entertainment’ can be applied there.
- Fujimoto
- Ms Tamaki mentioned starting sightseeing as well. Basically, for her, she wants to do something people can enjoy. The things she wants to do with her pure heart and her goals for people in the world are matched consistently in herself. I have been tasked with connecting with people, so I need to think more about what I can do.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- And other than that, I want to raise people up, but what I am doing is just letting them be free.
—— You do so while observing them.
- Fujimoto
- I think the staff working here have a hard time, with so much to do. But they would increase their capacities while they are doing tough jobs.
—— I see, I see.
- Fujimoto
- I really think it would do good for them. I want them to try hard.
—— They would be overloaded. In the situations they would die or survive, their ability of creations develops.
- Fujimoto
- For projects with outside vendors, I introduce them to our young staff when they come for the meeting. ‘tamaki niime’ does the entire production internally, so the team in the factory doesn’t have much of a chance to meet with people outside. Unless they try to reach out to them. By handing out as much work as possible, we can communicate with people outside, motivating us and connecting us to find a production method.
—— They would be motivated, accumulate skills, get new creative ideas, and have a more comprehensive range of work.
- Fujimoto
- As a result, the range of designs will expand, and their motivation will change.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- It’s a shame if only I have these chances alone. So I have to hand the opportunities out quickly.
—— Listening to you, I understand ‘tamaki niime’ was able to create a self-contained environment within the company. Now that you organized the company systems, you are at a stage to be able to interact outside the company.
- Fujimoto
- I think so. ‘The Fabric Store’ is one of them… and all look like…
—— Just like ‘Noah’s Ark’, Ms Tamaki would have thought that it would be all right if anything happens under the control that the company can complete all in the house; however, they haven’t worked together long enough for the young staff to build up the company. By connecting with the outside world as the company once again, they try to get chemical reactions, which happening is symbolized by ‘tamaki niime TOKYO MACHIDA’.
- Fujimoto
- In the past few years, we got more and more 20 year olds who are much younger than me, who are passionate for creation. Understanding the history of ‘tamaki niime’, if we blend with young staff’s future, we would have more exciting things happen. Sharing the fundamental brand value and looking in the same direction will pass it on to the next generation. The system of manufacturing is already well in place. I think we are at the stage where we need to pass on our traditions and raise up staff to the newcomers.
—— I think we live in times where we should focus on passing on our traditions. It is incredible to see the younger weavers working hard by trial and error while wondering: What is Banshu-ori? I am very hopeful. Recently, Banshu-ori‘s value is being rediscovered in other areas in the district. They try to rebuild ‘the town of Banshu-ori’ once more, and ‘tamaki niime’ may be leading that role. The challenge of getting a better world through creation can be the same process as SDGs.
- Fujimoto
- I heard from a person who knows the local history well that they used to grow cotton in the Hie district in Nishiwaki, where we grow cotton currently. I was deeply impressed that we were growing cotton in such a place. So this year, we plan to plant seeds and harvest at the cotton fields with local kindergarten children, and now we can make our plans come true. I talked to the kindergarten principal and knew he feels children don’t have much chance to see the district industry.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- Not many people across the country are born and raised in a town that has big weaving industries. The local people should have their pride in it and need to pass it on.
—— Exactly. Not everyone can have the experience to live in product districts. It doesn’t happen everywhere.
- Fujimoto
- I cannot blame some people who may just read a textbook about Banshu-ori, or they cannot have actual experiences. For example, understanding cotton production, if children can see and feel how to grow cotton and know they become threads for weaving cloth, such childhood experiences would give them a chance to be interested in the weaving industry in the future.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- Other than that, since the end of last year, we worked developing fabrics with local high school students as a part of their class and had them make clothes. They have had sewing experience but have never woven cloth with the machine before. So it was really a reasonable effort for us to allow them to experience weaving cloth with the machine with us together at our factory. As a result, we could deeply connect with local people as ‘tamaki niime’. We hope to have enlightening activities beyond business.
—— For high school students, they had perfect practical learning in creation.
- Fujimoto
- Also, students of a volunteer club from another high school in the city came helping cut weeds with us for cotton fields. We connected with them when they had a Banshu-ori exhibition at their high school gym. We offered to exhibit our products and planned the presentation together. If we do something, someone who shows interest comes up. I like younger people better for that.
—— You are connecting more and more.
- Fujimoto
- High school students may become interested in weaving after watching a weaving machine at work, and they may join ‘tamaki niime’ in the future. We have a few staff from Hyogo prefecture in our company, most of them moved from afar, including me. I think that’s not bad, and it’s terrific. But I personally think it’s best if local children dare to choose to work here.
—— Nishiwaki has prospered in the past due to locals and transplants coming together for Banshu-ori. It would be wonderful if they could start developing Banshu-ori talents from these local districts.
- Fujimoto
- If local children choose to work for Banshu-ori, they will change the traditional image of Banshu-ori and weavers. It would be great if immigrants came to work here and experienced people from other places. Still, I hope residents develop the product districts in areas similar to Nishiwaki like we have and choose to work with us in the future. That’s why we are making an effort for that now.
—— I think that’s an ideal way for the company rooted in the local place. And Mr Fujimoto’s efforts and practices are significant.
- Fujimoto
- (with his calm and clear voice) I would make our company a company that people want to choose.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.