niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Project leaders, Masanao Yamashita and Mio Fujita
speak on 2022 and their New Year declaration.
speak on 2022 and their New Year declaration.
2022 . 01 . 15
播州織の新たな可能性を広げ「一点モノ」のショールを産み出した頃から、すでに地球環境や持続可能性に想いをはせるモノづくりを志向していたtamiki niime。
「ちきゅうの ゆがみを ととのえる」というミッション、「niime村の創造」というビジョンが明確に定まり、それらを意識した上での各チームごとの日々の取り組みが今年2022年、始まろうとしている。
取材は西脇のShop&Labにいる山下と町田店「tamaki niime TOKYO MACHIDA」の藤田美緒をオンラインでつないで行った。
—— 前々回と前回は「niimeゆく年くる年」ということで、玉木社長と酒井さんに2021の出来事と2022に向けたあれこれを語っていただいたんですが、次はご指名で、新たにプロジェクト・リーダーとしてtamaki niimeを引っ張るおふたりにどどん、とお話を聞こうということになりまして。
—— 年末、「niime村構想」に沿って「わチーム」より、これまでのお客様に向けてという“to”のアプローチから、これからはniime村の「村人」としてお客様とスタッフが交わってゆく“with”のあり方へという、わかりやすい図の提案もありました。その辺から、おふたりの想い的なところを話して頂ければと思います。
—— 「編みチーム」から色んなチームへと。
—— はい。
山下「何をお客様に伝えなきゃいけないか、というところで、一番大事なのは元気なところ・元気なチカラをお客様にお渡し出来れば、お客様自身も愉しんでいただけるのかなと。やっぱり、tamaki niimeで働いているスタッフ全員が今やってる仕事を心から愉しくできるようにしたいなと思っています。」
—— はい、ありがとうございます。チーム間をまとめ組織力を向上させ、心からのスタッフの愉しさ・元気がお客様にも伝播するようにと…。では、美緒さんお願いします。
—— ええ。
美緒「お話してると、気分をUPさせるために明るい色を身につけて、明るく過ごそうかなと。普段の生活の中で、tamaki niimeの作品を身につけていただくことで、少しでも気分が上がる手助けが出来ているんだなとすごく実感できたこの一年でした。」
—— コロナ禍によって、tamaki niimeの作品に備わっている生命力、元気を与えてくれる本質が現れたというか。
—— はい。
—— なるほどですね。
—— テーマパーク!広報の藤本さんからはtamaki niimeは、「モノづくりのカタチをしてるエンターテイメント企業」という発言もありました。
美緒「ウチの強味って、お客様が一緒になってブランドを愉しんでくださる、このブランド、オモシロイな、と興味を持っていただけるところが一番かなと思っているので…そこが、酒井さんが創ってくれた言葉、「まいにち ぜんぶ たのしむ」という行動指針を皆んなの共通認識として、すごく良い感じでそれぞれが動けているのかな、と。」
—— なるほど。本質をついた言葉ですよね。
—— はい、ありがとうございます。美緒さんのおっしゃるように、tamaki niimeの作品そのものにチカラが備わっているからこそ、お客様が元気を受け取ってこられたこれまでだったのではと思うんです。そこはこれからも更に良くなってゆくのに加えて、山下さんのお話にあったように、スタッフ皆んなが本当に愉しんでいる、その愉しい気持ちがお客様に伝播するということ。これからはスタッフの皆さんの愉しさや魅力がパッと発散するような…
—— そんな取り組みをと、おふたりのお話を聞いて受け止めたんですが。「niime村」の「村人」として、もっとお客様と交わっていくと。…そこで、山下さんのおっしゃる「組織力」というのは社内ひっくるめて、というところでしょうか?
—— モノづくりも販売も…
—— 「縫製チーム」の鹿嶽さんにお話しを聞いた時にも、ミッション・ビジョン・行動指針が定まって、チーム内でアクションプランを話し合う機会が出来たことによってまとまりも出来たし、意見が出やすくなったと。で、仕事をこなすというよりも自分のアイデアを実際にカタチにできるんだ、ってことにスタッフ皆んなが気づいたことで活性化し始めたというように聞きました。
—— なるほど。
—— 山下さんが各チームを回られているのは、その辺りのそれぞれの取り組みをうまく相乗させていこうと。
—— 山下さんはアパレルの世界で色んな経験を積んで色々と知っておられて、「織り」も「編み」も「販売」も、様々な部門を把握されているわけで、うってつけの方だなと思いますし、そこは色々アドバイスしたいなという想いもお持ちでしょうし。
—— ひとつの「村」になってゆくと。
—— 美緒さんはいかがですか?
美緒「ミッション・ビジョン・行動指針の意識づけというところを、町田のスタッフや百貨店での催事の販売スタッフという、普段そこについての社内ミーティングに入っていない人たちに具体的にどういう動きをしてもらうかであったり、今tamaki niimeがどうゆう動きをしようとしているかをどう率先して見せれば良いかに注力してやってきて。7月のオープンから年末にかけてやっとある程度のベースが出来た中で、これからどう取り組んでゆくか、こちらにいて、正直まだ会社全体のバランスが回るようには動けていないかなと思っている現状と…」
—— はい。
—— 町田のお店をどうしてゆくか?、tamaki niimeの「niime村構想」を東京という最前線で紹介してゆく場所でもあるでしょうし、そこで美緒さんが試行錯誤しつつ尽力されていることがよくわかったように思えます。
—— 企画については何か新たな構想とかありますか?
—— 新たなモノづくりというところで…
山下「そうですね。あとはtamaki niimeならではのモノづくりを確立したいなっていう。今まで、自分たちなりのやり方を見つけながらやってきたわけですけど、他のアパレルと比べてそんなに大差ないやり方で…」
—— えっ、そうなんですか!?
—— これまで取り組んできた一点モノや「niime村構想」にもつながる地球環境を見据えたモノづくりの部分ではなくて。
—— そこは核心的なところでしょうかね。聞かせてください!
—— う〜ん…。
山下「なんか、もっと自分たちが持ってる創る環境・売る環境ってところを、もうちょっと見つめ直して出来れば、お客様のためにもなって、自分たちも愉しく、目標とする「まいにち ぜんぶ たのしむ」ってことが実現できるんじゃないかなって思うんですよね。モノづくりの方で言うと、自分たちの持ってる環境を最大限に活かしたモノづくりというのを考えたいです。」
—— まだまだそこはもっともっと追求できる、という手ごたえがあるわけですね?
—— モノづくりから販売まで知り尽くしている山下さんの目から観て、チーム間の連携だったり個々の発想をもっとすくい上げるとか…
—— 美緒さんどうでしょうか、今のお話を聴いて。
美緒「そうですね…tamaki niimeならではのモノづくりというところを売る立場としても、より深く理解した上で面白がって販売できているか?普通のアパレルであれば、ハイ、売るモノ用意しました、これを売ってくださいね、じゃあ売りましょう、ってところを、自分たちもある意味こう、生産を左右できるというか…シーズンが動き始めた時に、いちはやくお客様の声をキャッチしたりだとか、スタッフとしてそこを受け止めてリアルな声を現場に伝えることで、すぐさま軌道修正が可能なのもウチの良さで。」
—— LabとShopがひとつ屋根の下・隣り合わせですから、ほんとそうですよね。
美緒「意見を共有しながら良いモノづくりをしていくディスカッションがたぶんまだ十分に出来てないのではと。そこがもっとやれるようになればもっとすごく良くなると思うし。ウチの場合はスタッフがデザインしながら織機を操ってモノづくりしている、それってtamaki niimeならではのところじゃないですか?」
—— 確かにその通りですね。
—— う〜ん、お客様の意見もそうですが直でやりとりしているスタッフの皆さんのスパイスも加えて創り手に渡したりそこでディスカッションが生まれたり……なるほどですね。
—— あ、そうだったんですか(笑)。
—— そこはお客様の声を活かしつつもtamaki niime流の…
—— なるほどですね。販売のスタッフもモノづくりへ、モノづくりのスタッフも販売へ…と交わってゆく。玉木社長にお話を聞いた時に、卸先さんのお店にこっちから出向いてtamaki niimeの作品を展開し現場のスタッフが売り場に立つというところで、「てんてん」がすごく良いとおっしゃってましたが。
—— ああ〜なるほど。そのお店独自の。
—— 美緒さんは町田店にいながら「てんてん」を。
美緒「「てんてん」の企画を担当しています!自社のイベントだと、作品をガーッと持って行って、売れなかったモノを持って帰る、それが当たり前の流れになってるんですけど、卸先さんにとっては、tamaki niimeから作品を借りてるという緊張感の中でやって下さっているというのをすごく感じて。選りすぐった作品をイベント期間内にしっかりと販売する姿勢の大切さというのをまず気づかせていただきました。」
—— はい。
美緒「「てんてん」の打ち合わせをする中で、このお店を選んで良かったなと思える方ばかりで。それぞれカラーは全然違うけれど、それぞれのお店のやり方でtamaki niimeを大切に丁寧にご紹介してくださっていて、だからこそ、モノづくりをしているスタッフに、このお店に出向いてこのお店の方としっかり交流してほしいなっていう想いがあってスタッフを送っている、というのがあります。」
—— Labスタッフの交流も考え合わせながら企画してると。
—— お客様も含めて、皆んなが愉しい企画になってるわけですね。
—— うなぎの寝床さんとはコラボ作品「monpe」もありますね。「てんてん」の模様を紹介する動画をLINEで観させていただいたんですが、お店の方もtamaki niimeをお好きで愉しんでおられる様子が伝わってきて、直営店とはまた一味違った、独自の作品の捉え方・魅せ方が伺えた気がして、良いな…と思いました。
—— 実際、色んな場所で催すことにより新たな魅力が引き出される、そんな奥行きがあるのが、tamaki niimeの作品だと思います。山下さん、スタッフの方から何か感想を聞いたりとかありますか?
—— わかりました。チーム間、スタッフ間、卸先さんと、お客様と…色々な交わりが動き出す2022年になりそうですね。では最後に、プロジェクト・リーダーとしてのまとめをお願いします。
山下「そうですね。繰り返しになりますけど、会社の組織力UPとスタッフ皆んなが本当に愉しく元気に働けるような仕組みづくりをやりたいですね。それがお客様にも伝わり広がってお客様を愉しませることができるように。tamaki niimeを更に知ってもらい、新しいお客様も増えていくように、もっともっとやっていきたいです。それと、各チーム日常の仕事の中で「アクションプラン」につながるような動き、日々の改善をまずやって、ミッション・ビジョン・行動指針を踏まえた次のステップに進めれるようになればと思います。」
—— 美緒さんどうですか?
美緒「組織力を上げるということもそうなんですけど、「ひらくチーム」として、tamaki niimeの良さをもう一度しっかりと理解するというところで、「てんてん」含めて、卸先さんにもそこが伝播していってることは間違いないですし、卸先様・お客様を巻き込んでゆくことを今年は更に大きくして行けたら、更にオモシロイ2022年になるんじゃないかなと思っています。」
—— わかりました。どうもありがとうございます。玉木社長のお話では、2022年は世代交代、スタッフに委ねるとおっしゃっていたので、今年のtamaki niimeの展開をワクワクと愉しみに、伴走させていただけたらと思っています。どうぞよろしくお願いします!
Challenging new possibilities for Banshu-ori, ‘tamaki niime’ has aimed for creations that consider earth’s environment and sustainability since they invented one-item shawl.
They have been increasing the circle of people who have the same values, aiming to create a vibrant lifestyle not only for clothing, but also food and housing.
Their mission of ‘adjusting the distortion of the Earth’ has helped decide the direction of the ‘niime village creation’. With such intent, 2022 begins with each team’s daily effort.
I interviewed Masanao Yamashita and Mio Fujita, who are assigned as the project leaders to promote initiatives while connecting teams and promoting staff harmony.
The interview was done online, connecting with Yamashita at Shop & Lab in Nishiwaki and Mio Fujita, who works at ‘tamaki niime Tokyo Machida’.
—— The interviews of the last and before last were ‘niime: A Year End and A New Beginning’ that I had Ms Tamaki and Mr Sakai speak about the events of 2021 and thoughts for 2022. This time I would like to hear from you two who boldly head ‘tamaki niime’ as project leads.
- Mio
- Yes.
—— At the end of last year, according to the ‘niime village concept’, WA team showed suggestions with clear pictures that you have been taking a customer-facing approach so far, but from now on you want to work with your customers as ‘villagers’ in the niime village. Would you like to share your thoughts on that?
- Yamashita
- Our thoughts? Ok, then, can I speak from my perspective, Mio?
- Mio
- Yes, please.
- Yamashita
- Well, I have started attending more meetings and become involved closely with other staff.
—— You are originally from the knitting team before.
- Yamashita
- Yes, I joined their meetings. I aim to strengthen organisational power in 2022 and think about ways to improve it. I wondered if we are really enjoying our tasks in daily work. Not only manufacturing but also sales, we can’t make customers happy if we are not enjoying our jobs.
—— I see.
- Yamashita
- The essential point to influence customers is how happy we are. If we could give customers our happiness and strength, they would become happy. So I hope that all staff of ‘tamaki niime’ will genuinely enjoy the works that we are doing now.
—— I see, thank you very much. You want to strengthen teams with harmony, improve organised power, and influence customers with staff strengths and happiness. Well, then Mio, can you explain, please.
- Mio
- What he said is true. Since the pandemic began, I found in the conversations with our customers that many are depressed. However, the words I heard most from them are joyful when they wear ‘tamaki niime’ outfits. In sad times when trying to feel happier, they could cheer themselves up by wearing tamaki’s clothing.
—— I see.
- Mio
- Knowing what they said, they wear bright colours to raise their spirits. I knew that we could help them cheer up better by wearing ‘tamaki niime’ items every day for a whole year.
—— During this pandemic, the true nature of ‘tamaki niime’ items which are energetic and high spirited, to influence others, has been revealed.
- Mio
- The customers feel spirited from our messages through LINE, SNS, or our staff themselves.
—— Yes.
- Mio
- Since last July, I have been working at ‘Machida’ to look after customers or take charge of events. Thinking of customers’ thoughts and enjoyments, I work at the store and share the feeling with our staff that we must not betray customers’ trust. And ask the team not to forget to make customers happy. Keeping that in mind, how we speak, our countenance, and the little things would completely change.
—— I see.
- Mio
- Even though it’s just a vague concept, I told my staff about my vision: making the Machida store like a theme park. By keeping that phrase in mind, we could make customers happy. I think that is most essential overall.
—— Wow, a theme park! Mr Fujimoto of Public Relations mentioned that ‘tamaki niime’ is an entertainment industry that looks like a manufacturing company.
- Mio
- Our company’s strength is that our customers enjoy our brand together, being curious about it, which I think is best for us. Having Mr Sakai’s created phrase, ‘We Enjoy Everything Everyday’, as our mutual understanding for working guidance, and everyone is working well.
—— I see. That’s the phrase that conveys the essence of the matter.
- Mio
- I think we would be having more fun if we practised more specifically this year…
—— Yes, Thank you very much. As Mio said, because ‘tamaki niime’ items possess power, I believe that your customers have been gaining strength so far. You would be increasing such capacity, and as Mr Yamashita said, each staff genuinely enjoy working and such feeling is possible to convey to the customers. From now on, all staff’s happy feelings and charms need to spread…
- Yamashita
- Yeah…
—— I understand you two are making an effort on that. As one of the ‘villagers’ in the ‘niime village’, you interact more with customers. The ‘organisational power’ Mr Yamashita talked about is the power of the whole company, correct?
- Yamashita
- That’s correct.
—— Including manufacturing and sales.
- Yamashita
- You are right. It includes everything. In fact, we are chased by the jobs we need to get done, having so much work to do. So I think if the staff voluntarily offer ideas what they want to do, the company as an organisation would work better going forward.
—— Ms Katake of the sewing team also said that after deciding on a mission vision and action guidelines, they could unify themselves by having more opportunities to discuss each other. It also made it easier to have more opinions. I heard that they started to get active by being aware that they could make products with their ideas.
- Yamashita
- Adding to that, after each team gets a mission vision and action guidelines, it would be better to share them with all groups, not ending it within each unit.
—— I see.
- Yamashita
- If we could work with one plan to combine each team’s program into one throughout this year, we would have a good year. I think our organisational power would increase.
—— Mr Yamashita, the reason you are visiting each team is to combine each team’s efforts and synergise them well, correct?
- Yamashita
- Yes, that’s my goal right now, but at this point, I try to see the part I haven’t been aware of in each team and explain what they could use from my experiences.
—— Mr Yamashita, you have had many experiences and knowledge about the apparel industry. You understand weaving, knitting, sales and other various categories. You are the right person and must be wishing to provide advice to them.
- Yamashita
- Other than that, it would be good for us if each team thinks about other groups to help each other.
—— It will lead to ‘one village’.
- Yamashita
- I think so.
—— How about you, Mio?
- Mio
- On raising the worker’s awareness of action guidelines for the sales staff on the Machida store or department store events who regularly don’t attend company meetings, I have been focusing on how they should specifically work. Or how I should take the initiative to show the ways of the ‘tamaki niime’ movement. From the opening in July to the end of the year, I could set up primary means, but I still need to work on them. Working here in Machida, I honestly have not yet rotated the company balance well.
—— I see.
- Mio
- I have to raise our team power into a big group by linking each team together. This is the issue of 2022. I will work harder on this.
—— How do you work with Machida? It must be the place to introduce tamaki niime’s ‘niime village concept’ on the front lines in Tokyo. So I understand how much Mio has been working by trial and error.
- Yamashita
- As I mentioned earlier, we want to make our staff, customers… and others happy. We have been keeping that in mind and doing, but moreover, we move on gathering ideas and various plans and want to realise them.
—— Do you have new ideas on this plan?
- Yamashita
- The 2022 spring and summer plan has already been done to create new items. On reviewing previous years, we now understood the things demanded now, so we try to make it real.
—— You challenge to make new items.
- Yamashita
- Yes, we will. Besides that, we want to build up the unique way of ‘tamaki niime’; even though we have been trying to find our way, it is not much different from other apparel companies.
—— Oh, really?
- Yamashita
- I mean, as far as manufacturing, it’s different. But talking about planning, we doubt if our present way is right for us. So considering it all, we want to make it accurate in discussing with everyone for the best path forward.
—— You don’t mean the efforts with one-item products or manufacturing considered earth environment that links to the ‘niime village concept’.
- Yamashita
- No, not that. I wonder if we are really using the excellent environment for manufacturing that we have.
—— That must be your core part. Would you share, please!
- Yamashita
- That would probably influence sales. In our manufacturing, the people who make products have to work desperately, and the people who have to sell need to sell as well. So I have wondered if this is good for our customers and us?
—— Hmmm.
- Yamashita
- If we look again at the environment of what we have and what we sell, we will make it real to accomplish our goal ‘We Enjoy Everything Everyday.’ for making customers and ourselves happy. Speaking about manufacturing, I want to consider it to make the most use of our environment.
—— You have the confidence to pursue further and further in that, right?
- Yamashita
- I think so.
—— Mr Yamashita, from your professional view, with your grasp of manufacturing to sales, having team plays and picking up more unique ideas are…
- Yamashita
- Yes, that’s right. As Ms Tamaki has been saying for a long time, if we make a current to make it real that you can make it and sell it right away, or brand-new items sell very fast, the people of both sides of making and marketing are so happy and get excited. So I want to make a system that everyone gets excited and happy.
—— Mio, what do you think about his idea?
- Mio
- Well, are the sales staff understanding their role to enjoy selling the unique items of ‘tamaki niime’? For regular apparel products, they would go like, “we could get ready to sell”, “go-ahead to sell them, “all right, let’s sell”, that’s all. But for our products, sales staff could influence product sales. When the sales season starts, the sales staff could catch customers’ voices and share them with manufacturing in the factory, which is our company’s advantage to flexibly adjust the number of items.
—— It’s possible because the Lab and Shop are next to each other within a single building.
- Mio
- I think we still need to share opinions to make good products. If we could improve that, we would be much better. For example, staff weave cloth in our company while creating designs, which is the peculiarity of ‘tamaki niime’.
—— It indeed is.
- Mio
- If the sales staff understand their strengths a little more, they can use what they feel and connect with the manufacturing staff, we could make better products and better artistic items for our customers. We can be happier and the customers as well. That’s what I am hoping to do.
—— Hmmm, as well as having customer opinions, the sales staff who speak directly with customers can spice up their opinions to let creators know, and they can start discussions…that must be good.
- Mio
- When we didn’t have enough staff, we considered customer opinions too much, and at times we were trying too many things. (laugh)
—— Oh, is that right? (laugh)
- Mio
- I think it could be better if we could discuss better and make the most of customer opinions.
—— Making the most of customer opinions, you follow the way of ‘tamaki niime’…
- Yamashita
- It’s essential to make into a foam by adding spicing up our ways and making the most of customers’ opinions.
—— I see. The sales staff involve the manufacturing staff, and the manufacturing staff also handle sales. Then, as Ms Tamaki explained, the staff go to the business partner stores and work there to sell the products of ‘tamaki niime’, which is ‘TenTen’, and she really likes that.
- Yamashita
- I went to ‘TenTen’ and learned a lot. I saw different types of customers and opinions from those in Nishiwaki and Machida. Some styles of sales are also different.
—— Oh, I see. Each store has its uniqueness.
- Yamashita
- That’s right. That’s why it’s so good to go out and understand the differences we can feel.
—— Mio, you work for ‘TenTen’ even though you work at Machida.
- Mio
- I am in charge of events for ‘TenTen’. We take home products we couldn’t sell for our own company events, which is standard, but I feel the people in partner stores work with tension about borrowing our products. So I have learned the importance of choosing good sale items and selling them with a good sales attitude at events.
—— I see.
- Mio
- In having meetings with the people of ‘TenTen’ partners, I feel fortunate to choose such good stores. Each store has a different character, but each has its way of nicely introducing ‘tamaki niime’. That’s why we purposely send the manufacturing staff to specific stores to have them involved with certain staff members.
—— You plan in consideration for the interaction of the manufacturing staff.
- Mio
- Every week we send three staff twice a week to the stores in Osaka. So, that causes shortage problem for manufacturing. But Ms Tamaki thinks it’s worth sending them. We always ask the staff who came back from the stores about their thoughts. Each seemed to learn something significant. Every time we felt we did the right thing for them. The priority is to make plans to serve the partner stores, but our staff can learn a lot, so this project has benefits.
—— Everyone, including customers, can enjoy this project.
- Mio
- We want to increase doing ‘TenTen’ to have more stores to work together. We have a plan to go to ‘Unagi no Nedoko’ in Fukuoka prefecture this year.
—— You and ‘Unagi no Nedoko’ collaborate on the ‘monpe’. Watching the videos introducing ‘TenTen’ on LINE, I saw the workers of the partner store enjoying working with ‘tamaki niime’, which is a little different from the ‘tamaki niime’ original store in showing products and their charms. So I think that’s good as well.
- Mio
- Introducing our products with each partners’ strength makes it possible to have various types of customers wear them. I think it’s fun to do ‘TenTen’ in many places.
—— In fact, in many places, new charms are revealed, which is the depth of ‘tamaki niime’s products. Mr Yamashita, have you asked your staff what they think?
- Yamashita
- They said they are thankful for serving customers and getting hints for new manufacturing items from customers. I heard them say the enjoyable work is the best of all.
—— I see. 2022 has started interacting with teams, staff, partner stores, customers, and many others. Well, would you conclude your comment as a project leader?
- Yamashita
- Well, repeating what I said, though, I want to strengthen the company’s organisational power and make a system so that everyone could have fun and be happy, and I hope that customers feel that and we make them happy. I work harder to help people understand ‘tamaki niime’ and increase our customer base. We also want to move to an action plan, which is daily improvements in each team’s work, and I hope we can go on to the next step of our mission vision and action guidance.
—— What do you think, Mio?
- Mio
- As well as strengthening organisational power, we try to help people understand us better as we are the ‘extending team’. That includes ‘TenTen’. I am sure such efforts are accepted and working in the partner stores. If we could get more involved with the partner stores and customers, 2022 would be an enjoyable year.
—— I see. Thank you very much. According to Ms Tamaki, she would like to see the next generation take charge, allowing herself and Mr Sakai to rely more on their staff in 2022. I am excited to see ‘tamaki niime’s’ development and would love to cover that. I look forward to working with you!
- Yamashita & Mio
- Thank you very much!
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.