Encyclopedia of niime

“tamaki niime shima” has launched! Asking Tamaki and Sakai about their thoughts.

2022 . 03 . 30

One month has passed since opening the new store, ‘tamaki niime shima’.

Just a few minutes from Nishiwaki City and Olinas Hall via car, a new white building appears along National Route 175. It is a renovated coffee shop that was a long time favorite.

They mainly display various fabrics in the store where Banshu-ori weavers compete for their skills and individualities. In addition, the goods and food items that tamaki niime recommends are displayed casually yet stylishly.

All the ‘gifts, accessories and foods’ are on display, produced by the people of Nishiwaki and Taka in their rich land. I asked Tamaki and Sakai about many things of ‘shima’ that they have plans to become a base in the region and a meeting place for people.

—— In the opening of ‘tamaki niime shima’, since I was involved in selecting books, I could see the process of preparing a store.

Yes, you could see it through.

—— I did see from the process of the building being painted to the opening of the store. It was fascinating.

I was the one who first started saying that the building should be painted white. I just talked about it with Tamaki. She is the one who could explain it logically, but I am a super intuitive person. For example, if you ask me why I chose this place, I would say because I felt it’s good. We are like that.

—— I see.

Why did I choose to paint the building white? I just thought, because I like it. White is the best, I would say.

(interrupting) There should be some reason you wanted to choose white. We have to analyze it.

We choose white not to copy someone else, but white is the best colour to go with various products we have now.

—— I see. I understand.

It goes with all the space in the building.

Yes. Without mixing up, each one could appeal to each existence. That is why I think we chose white, but we just felt that choosing white was the best.

Indeed. It was intuitive, though. (laugh)

—— You might have added some reasons afterwards, however, I see the view each time you put new items and more products on the shelves are added, I can see a whole picture and feel like completing a store…

Did you enjoy it?

—— First, I got the impression that it was beautiful when I went in and saw the fabrics section on the right-back, having curtains of shawls on the windows with sunshine, neatly displayed fabrics that are divided by different colours are shining on the white shelves. The mirrors as a pair on the poles are producing effects, too. I thought, “wow! They are great!”.

That’s how the boss, Ms Niime Tamaki, did it.

What are you talking about? (laugh)

Well, your direction is outstanding. Seriously, it is comfortable and persuasive.

—— I am sure customers feel the same way.

Not trying to attract people’s attention; our colour, white, is the one that pursues comfort.

—— Indeed.

Yes, that’s what it is.

Knowing it with your feeling should be the best way.

That’s it! There’s no other way except knowing it through feeling. She paints everything white.

Hahaha. Colours are essential.

—— In a way, you may have gotten an outstanding impression when the building was painted white since it originally had the image of a coffee shop. Then you remodel it, keeping the at-home feeling that the coffee shop used to have.

Yeah, we did.

—— The new shop, ‘shima’, has a more casual atmosphere, but does not lose the quality of product attractiveness…they are relaxed and beautiful, being particular about the products, which is also the way of ‘tamaki niime’ is presented.

The original colours and shape were perfect, and it also kept that nostalgic feeling of an old coffee shop.

—— I see. It is nostalgic.

Tamaki and I like rustic, but that’s not what we want for this building. For example, if our theme is ‘new Roadside Station’, we want to make it a more neutral one.

—— So you started off painting it white.

A neutral feeling that is in our mind? Right?

We wanted a neutral state from our mindset. That’s one of the reasons we painted it white. White certainly gets dirty on floors if people walk on it.

—— Yes.

It will change over the years.

I spilled paints on the floor… (sorry)

—— It was not an art painting, was it?

Actually, that’s the one I spilled paint at midnight. I really did!

So, white is okay in any event.

—— It could be acceptable when it comes to expectations.

That’s right. Because white itself is a canvas.

It’s all right to do with anything. It is art, indeed!

It is good to display your products, or even spilled paints can be art. Everything is…

Even footprints.

Just like jeans change beautifully while time goes by, I really think white is great.

We make it a highlight.

That’s right. We make ‘traces’ to leave our history.

—— Every time I delivered the books, I could gradually see a whole picture while increasing more items on the shelves, such as books, food, accessories, and miscellaneous things. But that is not ‘complete’ when the store opens.

Tamaki & Sakai

—— As you go changing in the future, you accept many things for opening stores, and you see gradually your bookshelves made up…you feel amazed at the capability of white.

That’s true. White has excellent power. Really!

—— You really make the white work. I really understand now.

Because I really want to make things jumble up like an old mom-and-pop candy shop.

—— Yeah…, white can be…

It can be possible to add more and more with white, right? (laugh)

Yeah. (laugh)

—— It is terrific that it gives you an impression like small cozy rooms of fabrics, miscellaneous things, or book sections.

Each has its world.

—— It gives you a feeling that you can talk with them comfortably.

We could face items comfortably. I like the feeling of small cozy rooms.


—— That was one of the aims?

It just ended up that way as a consequence, I guess.

That’s right. It connects with the first conversation that we chose it intuitively. Our way is not logical to bring it to a decision. We just come to pick what we believe to be the best case by case.

—— You are flexible.

We intuitively know what to do in situations. We don’t make plans first…and not really to decide to do this and that.

—— I see.

We prefer to make changes in that moment.

How did you decide on the exterior design with the ‘tamaki niime’ logo projected and drawn on the building wall?

That was Tamaki’s idea, right?

I just gave them an idea that I wanted to have artwork on the wall outside. I shared some guidelines and thoughts, and Mr Kubo did the design that completed the concept. That’s for sure.

Tamaki and I had been deciding most things, and the staff worked with our directions so far in the past. However, as Tamaki mentioned in the case of ‘Shima’, we gave them ideas, and Mr Kubo did the design, so everyone created together.

Yeah, it is unsettled to see the progress because there are many elements to happen, but I think all the works for processes are more important than works aiming for a perfect goal for opening. That’s why everyone got involved in doing it.

—— To the assignments to be given, they responded…

Everyone worked on it.

—— They responded flexibly.

That’s right. That’s why our staff got involved with creative works this time.

—— I see.

We have really created together this time and will probably continue doing it.

I already throw them a way of organizing systems we have to put into order!


I hope they would have a comfortable way to handle and even get some profit.

—— You give them hints to get started and…

All they have to do is doing it! Right, everyone? (laugh)

—— I see.

I think the ‘zero-one’ concept, I mean a start from scratch, is essential. During both times opening the Machida store and launching our brand by Sakai and me, the energy levels we used were completely different from those in our regular times.

—— I see.

‘tamaki niime’ has been having events many times. I like to have events because we have a chance to use our ‘zero-one’ power. Our human quality of thinking, acting, failing-trying-again-power gets higher in the opening events and improves our experiences.

—— ‘the unusual’ has more power than ‘the usual’.

That’s right. However, we haven’t had significant events because of the Pandemic.

—— Such as fun events like festivals.

So, that means, we need to do such experiences of ‘zero-one’ to improve our quality.

‘Zero-one’ experiences need a lot of energy for concentration.

Indeed. Because we have deadlines. We have to do and think to multitask, where we use a lot more energy than usual, but they give us a sense of accomplishment and motivation. That’s why we want our staff to have those experiences to improve them.

But, overall, I think they enjoyed it a lot.

Even though they worked it in a cold sweat… (laugh).

They worked, but they completed the work from ‘zero-one’ with the use of various minds, including Tamaki and other staff.

Sakai and I have known each other well and gone through such experiences many times, so ‘zero-one’ working is ordinary for us. For our staff, however, who never experienced starting-up-a-business, it was the very first hard challenge. When our schedule got tight, they looked painful…which was much different from 3 months ago when they looked not switched on.

—— Right close to the opening day, we completed the shelves.

They were energized at the final push.

—— Their final push was amazing.

I had a feeling that we were truly connected. Until that time, they were careful with each other and depended on someone to do their jobs.

—— They concluded that there were no other choices except they had to do it, which was…

They switched on.


—— They were desperate.

Yeah. That energy is the most essential!

When you belong to a big organization, you don’t have much choice but to do it.

—— You are more likely to depend on someone.

That’s right. But, when you get involved with the situations, you have to do it with true meaning. So you would have a feeling of tension. That makes you act very differently, right?

Since the five days of an opening event at ‘shima’ started, everyone was tense.

—— Each one had the feeling of “I have to do it.”


They did.

—— In the future, you will have more products, so the opening is not ‘complete’. When you see the store as a starting point, do you already have an image of a complete picture of ‘shima’ for you, Ms Tamaki?

Well? No.

Me, either.

…Well, I had some image of how to show the store’s attractiveness in myself, probably. I didn’t say it, though. (laugh)

—— That was like teamwork with your staff.

I had an image that I like to have but didn’t ask them to do it…what was it?

—— Even though there is a different image that Ms Tamaki has, it would be good. Is that what you feel? Correct?

What did I feel? I sometimes fix some parts with different images and need some corrections, or I sometimes end up asking someone to do something that I am not very good at for my job. Like, I ask Mio saying, “Will you do this? I am not very good at decorating shawls.” (laugh)

—— Hmm.

Then, it goes well. I am thankful for that! There are vague images I want to have. If each piece displays unmatched, I feel uncomfortable with them, but I am not inflexible that everything has to be set in particular ways.

—— I see.

So it’s imperative to keep beauty overall, or you feel comfortable being there.

—— As long as you keep such points, it would be good.

If there are some problems in some parts, I fix them, but I sometimes don’t make any changes because of feeling all right with them. If I set up but the customers have a hard time reaching products afterwards, I ask the staff to place them in better ways. Then I found them replaced every time I saw them. I think daily that they look much better after they changed them.

—— I think Ms Tamaki is concerned more about customers in running stores, focusing on how they feel.

You are right. (laugh)

—— You are the most demanding customer of all.

Yes, I am. If I suggest better ways, they fix them.

It always happens. Each one believes own values and standards in our creativity.

〈 continued 〉

In ‘tamaki niime shima’, a base for developing new potential in the Banshu-ori district, I feel their brand has a consistent philosophy with a free and open mind.

For the following interview, part 2, I will ask Tamaki and Sakai about more meanings that ‘shima’ brings to the district and brand. Please look forward to it.

Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.