Kondo Factoryの スタイキット“Fanfare”Kondo Factory's Baby Bib Kit "Fanfare"
「柄の通りに生地を切って、手縫いするだけ。だれでもカンタンにかわいいスタイがつくれます。播州織のカテゴリーを超えた、わくわくするデザイン。播州織の産地・多可町「Kondo Factory」の3代目は、兄が織物職人、弟がデザイナーです。僕自身、子育て中なんですが、お子さんがいらっしゃる男性にぜひおすすめしたいんです。赤ちゃんが生まれても男ってこわごわで、何でもしたいのに何もできないんですよね。パパから我が子へのプレゼントに、これはすごくいいと思います。手づくりしたスタイを子どもがつけてくれたら、めちゃくちゃうれしいですよ。出産のお祝いはもちろん、誕生日やこどもの日にぜひ選んでいただけたら。世界中だれにでも楽しんでもらえるキットです」
広報担当 藤本隆太
All you have to do is cut the fabric according to the pattern and sew by hand. Anyone can easily make a lovely baby bib. Exciting designs that beyond the category of Banshu-ori. The 3rd generation of "Kondo Factory" in Taka-cho a Banshu-ori production area, has an elder brother who weaves fabric and a younger brother who is a designer. I myself am in the process of raising a child, and I highly recommend this product to men who have children. When a baby is born, men want to do everything, but can't do anything. I think this is a great gift from a father to his child. It would make me so happy if my child wears my handmade thing. I hope you will choose this kit for Baby Birth or any kind of gift for babies.
This kit can be enjoyed by anyone in the world.
Ryuta Fujimoto, Public Relations Manager
You can easily make a pouch that matches with the bib.
Just cut the fabric according to the shape and sew by hand.
Even if you are clumsy or do not have a sewing machine, even men with no experience in handicrafts, anyone can enjoy hand making.
it's 100% cotton, and soft to the touch.
Bright and pop design like Scandinavian textiles.
It's so lovely but not too sweet, so
perfect for both boys and girls.
Comes in a cute box with thread and snap buttons.
It can be used as a gift as it is or make it yourself then give.
スタイ/幅19.5cm 高さ24.5cm 首回り29~32.5cm
巾着/幅13.5cm 高さ17.5cm
ミシンの場合 45分~1時間程度
手縫いの場合 1.5時間~2.5時間程度 Set includes
Fabric, plastic snap buttons (2 sets), pouch string (2 pouch string), tags (2 tags), instruction manual
Finished size
Bib / approx. W19.5cm x H24.5cm, neck circumference approx. 29-32.5cm
(neck size can be changed in 3 levels)
Pouch / approx. W13.5cm x H17.5cm
Approximate making time
Hand sewing: about 1.5 to 2.5 hours
海外配送は承っておりません。 material:cotton100%
We do not ship outside of Japan.
スウテンモノFew of a kind
Kondo Factoryの スタイキット“Fanfare”Kondo Factory's Baby Bib Kit "Fanfare"
※糸のラインの位置や太さは作品によって異なります。 *The color of actual work may differ from the picture.
The appearance such as position and thickness of the yarn varies depending on the work.